This easy salad is perfect for the dieter or for those who love to eat well. The goat cheese and dressing add needed levels of flavor to these nutrient-packed...
This is an easy dressing to make that is great over fruit. Just put it in a jar, shake, and it's ready to go. A little goes a long way, and really enhances...
This is my favorite dressing of all time and I usually make a largish batch and store in the fridge - it is sweet and sharp and tastes especially great...
This is my own variant of the classic Caesar salad dressing, but without using raw egg so that the dressing keeps longer and doesn't spoil so easily. It's...
This rich Caesar dressing will get lots of attention! Prepare ahead of time and refrigerate. It only gets stronger with age. Serve with romaine lettuce...
I adore Newman's Own® Southwest salad dressing from McDonald's®. Sadly it's not available at any stores (that I can find). Play around to make it taste...
Great summer salad. I usually end up adjusting the chipotle and lime juice depending on who I am making dinner for. This is a perfect summer salad, great...
Recipe from my dad, Chef Gerard (now deceased). He trained in France and Germany. He developed this recipe as assistant chef at Waldorf Astoria Hotel in...
Fast, easy, creamy Caesar salad dressing that is also an excellent marinade for chicken or fresh seafood. Best when allowed to sit refrigerated for a day...
This is the perfect homemade Miracle Whip® copycat free of soy, gluten, and preservatives. This recipe makes a small batch because it will only keep for...
Makes a very healthy, no-oil-added dressing with healthy fats from the avocado. Pure bliss and no guilt! Top any green salad with this dressing. Use agave...
A delightful wasabi dressing that I whipped up for coleslaw for Memorial Day but could be used in a vast variety of creations. If you want to increase...
Made with everything BUT the kitchen sink! Kids like this one, and they like the name! This recipe makes a lot; use as your 'house dressing'. If you don't...
A delicate and creamy Asian style miso salad dressing flavored with sesame tahini and lemon juice. Great over delicate greens or baby spinach for a delicious...
I got this recipe from my mother-in-law, it's fabulous!! Very hearty alternative to a mayo-based salad. Don't forget to top with Asiago or Parmesan cheese...
A quick and easy homemade salad dressing that's great for the summer. Shake well before use. If dressing has too much bite, add more blueberries and mix...
A great salad dressing that can be used anywhere you want to add some extra flavor with blue cheese. Store covered in the refrigerator. Let dressing warm...
This quick, homemade salad dressing couldn't be easier! It literally takes 2 minutes to make. Perfect on all sorts of simple green or vegetable salads...
Not only are avocados delicious, they are one of the best vegetables out there. Low in cholesterol and sodium, a good source of dietary fiber, high in...
This Mexican guacamole salad dressing is essentially a creamy avocado dressing with fresh cilantro, lime juice, onion, serrano pepper for spice, and cream....
This dressing packs a punch of flavor without the use of dried herbs or spices. I wanted a recipe that explodes with freshness, a bit of tang, and traditional...
A tangy classic sure to become a staple for dressing up your salads! You can store this dressing in a jar with a tight fitting lid in the refrigerator...
We like this on salad, chicken wings or boiled and cubed potatoes. If using on potatoes add a little butter to the pot before adding the dressing. If white...