Piadina is an Italian flatbread from the Emilia-Romagna region. The traditional recipe calls for lard in the dough which you can replace with a good extra-virgin...
This unleavened bread recipe has been used for years in our church for Communion bread. It's easy to make and stores well in the fridge. Watch carefully...
I tried 'Chicken Charlie's Deep Fried Kool-Aid®' at the San Diego County Fair. They were very good so I started to search on a way to recreate them. I...
Turn a sheet of crescent dough into homemade cinnamon and sugar doughnut sticks, cooked in the air fryer, and served with fruit jam, syrup, honey, or melted...
An easy and most delicious breakfast, brunch, or snack. This is a kid-friendly meal your family will love, too. My 6-year-old will vouch for me. Make this...
I won't forget the cheese straws that my mother made for my father. The only difference was that she did not add cayenne pepper. These make wonderful hors...
This basic mango bread uses milk powder instead of eggs. You can even use any leftover baby formula powder in its place. This bread is delicious when served...
I've always been fascinated by how many different breakfast foods you can create using just milk, eggs, and flour; and this is one of the more interesting...
I had so much trouble finding GF donuts that I had to play around in the kitchen to make one myself. The consistency is light, airy, and resembles a yeast...
These are great! Make your favorite Mexican dish, or alternate sandwiches or even cut these in wedges and fry for whole wheat tortilla chips! You may omit...
These delicious, Argentinean breads are small balls of cheese bread made from tapioca starch. They are quick and very easy to make. You could even make...
Who doesn't love churros? They're a delicious cinnamon-sugar treat, and making them in an air fryer takes them from a guilty treat into a sweet treat....
These apple fritters are warm, crisp, and sweet, a perfect fall treat. My mom made these for us after school in the fall with the apples we'd pick and...
I've always been fascinated by how many different breakfast foods you can create using just milk, eggs, and flour; and this is one of the more interesting...
I've always been fascinated by how many different breakfast foods you can create using just milk, eggs, and flour; and this is one of the more interesting...
Brazilian cheese bread is very easy to make, and features a chewy, cheesy, bready center, encased in a beautiful, thin, pastry crust. It also happens to...
Make sure when you make this recipe, that you place baking paper in the tray while baking. The first time I did this was without baking paper. Trust me,...
Who doesn't love churros? They're a delicious cinnamon-sugar treat, and making them in an air fryer takes them from a guilty treat into a sweet treat....
After making many, many batches of matzo balls for my friends, I perfected the recipe and am sharing it here. They're always welcome treat served to sick...