Forget potato skins... have you ever had loaded Tater Tots®? Tots are baked in muffin cups and transformed into crispy potato cups before being loaded...
This is a favorite of the men at parties. The first time I made them they were gone in a matter of minutes. These can be kept frozen in baggies until you...
When we are in Italy, one of our favorite things to do is to stop in at one of the local pizza places for a quick snack - a nice big square of 'Pizza Bianca...
This is a very simple recipe. It's a delicious appetizer that can be made for any holiday or social event, and can be a great addition to your Sunday football...
This appetizer is a holiday favorite at my house. Meaty, cheesy, and delicious! Perfect way to get the kids involved. They can make the whole dish with...
Perfect for passing at your next party or setting on a buffet table, these easy air-fried bratwurst bites are served with a delicious dark beer and honey-mustard...
Deli tray with scary meat head. Super simple to do. For the tray, use the kinds of meats and cheeses you like (we used turkey, ham, roast beef, mild Cheddar,...
A great appetizer that is loved by all, especially men. Serve these meaty, cheesy delights on game day! For later use, place the topped bread on a cookie...
This is a favorite of the men at parties. The first time I made them they were gone in a matter of minutes. These can be kept frozen in baggies until you...
A great appetizer that is loved by all, especially men. Serve these meaty, cheesy delights on game day! For later use, place the topped bread on a cookie...
A great appetizer that is loved by all, especially men. Serve these meaty, cheesy delights on game day! For later use, place the topped bread on a cookie...
When I was small we would always stop and get hot dogs smothered in a flavorful meat sauce on the way to Gram's. Dad worked and experimented, and finally...
Goat cheese, garlic, and rosemary are baked in potato 'cups' and wrapped in prosciutto for a delicious breakfast that will feed a crowd. This recipe was...
Sausage balls are an entertaining standby for me, but they were always admittedly a little dry - until I tried adding cream cheese, and better balls were...
These deep fried fritters are amazing! They may sound a little different, but they are remarkably easy to make and will take you way down South. Serve...
SPAM® is not something I eat often but when I do, I like it extra crispy. I found a can in the pantry and decided to give it a go in the air fryer. The...
This recipe has been a hit at EVERY party and it's so easy to make! I'm not sure how I got the recipe but it's ono (means 'delicious' in Hawaiian)!! I've...
Goat cheese, garlic, and rosemary are baked in potato 'cups' and wrapped in prosciutto for a delicious breakfast that will feed a crowd. This recipe was...
Prosciutto-wrapped asparagus is an extremely easy and elegant appetizer. Asparagus spears are wrapped in a sheath of prosciutto, then baked until crispy....
This is one of my favorite appetizers I make on the holidays when it's my turn to cook. It's very tasty if you like prosciutto, garlic, spinach, and ricotta...
This recipe has been a hit at EVERY party and it's so easy to make! I'm not sure how I got the recipe but it's ono (means 'delicious' in Hawaiian)!! I've...
This recipe has been a hit at EVERY party and it's so easy to make! I'm not sure how I got the recipe but it's ono (means 'delicious' in Hawaiian)!! I've...
These are easy, delicious, and great for any party! I make them every year as appetizers for Christmas. These can be refrigerated for a few days if any...
This appetizer is a holiday favorite at my house. Meaty, cheesy, and delicious! Perfect way to get the kids involved. They can make the whole dish with...
This recipe has been a hit at EVERY party and it's so easy to make! I'm not sure how I got the recipe but it's ono (means 'delicious' in Hawaiian)!! I've...