A wonderfully cool strawberry pie for hot days. Recipe can also be used to make a lemon pie. Just omit the strawberries and red food coloring, then increase...
Buttery, nutty, and a touch of caramel, this is a very yummy pie! Full of flavor! Serve hot or cold, with a good size dollop of whipped topping or vanilla...
I love banana pie, but do not like it when the bananas turn dark and runny in the pie when it sits... I love pumpkin custard pie so I thought I would try...
I got this recipe from a friend of mine in NYC! (Thanks Ron!!) As the name suggests, this pie is made without the usual corn syrup most all Pecan Pies...
My ma made the best coconut pie ever!! As many older people do though, she didn't go by a specific recipe, because she had made them for so long that she...
This is a great recipe for a sweet tooth, takes no time, and is a healthier dessert option. This recipe is made to be eaten right after it's made. Do not...
crockpot recipe. I have included the nutirional values. This is another recipe I got from a diabetic cook book.. My sister loves pumpkin pie and this is...
Of all the fruits I love, peaches have to be on the top of the list. This simple yet easy dessert was shared with me when I was part of another chat site...
I created this recipe using ingredients that I love! The hazelnut spread really takes the taste over the top!!!!! Everyone who has tasted these mini pies,...
A dessert for for any occassion. Sweet potato pie, and cheesecake all in one. Can be eaten cold to enjoy a creamy cheesecake, or warm to have a southern...
My parent's neighbor gave me this recipe many years ago because I told her that I wasn't that fond of pumpkin pie. I mean, I can eat it but I wouldn't...
A recipe from Beaufort, North Carolina. Absolutely rich and delish.. a perfect dessert to serve on Thanksgiving, Christmas or other holidays. It's the...
I totally had to post this for you all. I just received this recipe from CookN with Sharon Ng the creator. This is a quote from her. "It's all the rage,...
Gluten-free ingredients star in this fall-ready baked pear tart, made with a cream cheese-based crust for sweet flavor. Serve with whipped cream, ice cream,...
This recipe came from my husband's "nanny". The lady that baby-sat, cleaned house, cooked supper for the family and was just a jewel of a person. She was...
I made this delicious pie for my mom...one of her very favorites...when I was a kid, we used to go to the nearest "Dutch Pantry Restaurant" just for the...
My husband's little Italian grandmother used to make these whenever we would come to visit for the weekend. I never got the exact recipe for them from...
This recipe was one of my grandmother's signature pies! She was the best cook ever, and this pie is simply delicious! Growing up, my mother made it, and...
A decadently rich chocolate pie nestled in a graham cracker crust garnished with fresh whipped cream and chocolate shavings. This decadent chocolate pie...
A cream cheese filling is covered with a festive cranberry layer and topped with a walnut crumb mixture. This is a great Thanksgiving dessert. It is sooo...
The lovely regional specialty is truly miraculous. This version of sugar pie forms its own yummy crust, which is distinctively different and a tasty treat...
Enjoying great food begins with "eye appeal" .... and I just love creating something unique .... and enjoy seeing friends and family enjoy it, too!!! This...
Tastes just like a chocolate wafer pie crust...but only has 5 ingredients as opposed to about 50! This is extremely easy and I promise you won't do more...
My late husband loved everything and anything cherry! One of his favorites was Cherry Crumble the way his mum in London made it. This is like a pie but...
When Tippins Restaurant went out of business I was so sad at the thought of never having this pie again. It was just the best place to go for a late night...
I came across this recipe a few times on Facebook and Pinterest. Being from the South, the "Possum" part caught my attention, so I did some research. From...