This puff pastry recipe also works great with leftover chicken or turkey. If the filling looks a little dry because your apples didn't turn out juicy,...
I found this idea on the internet and have fiddled around with different flavor combinations. The kids like these because I give each child a 6-cup muffin...
These delicious baked wontons are filled with an edamame (soy bean) stuffing and are sure to please! For a dipping sauce, I recommend spicy Chinese-style...
If you like to impress when you cook, these are the appetizers for you. Perfect finger food for a small gathering, a work potluck or my favorite, a Cinco...
Flaky/crispy dough filled with savory sun-dried tomato filling, and topped with grated Parmesan cheese. Perfect appetizer for a fancy get together. No...
These apple cider donut bites have a delightful autumn flavor thanks to the incorporation of apple pie spice and sparkling apple cider. Plan ahead as it...
A superb 'tender-fluffy' vegan dumpling filled with rich and savory veggie goodness takes time to make and gets devoured in moments! Excellent as either...
This yummy bread was taught to me by the best cooks in the world, the Allora family. It is perfect for potluck, or any party. Trust me, this bread will...
This is a recipe from my ninety three year old grandmother from Switzerland. She is still making these cheesy bite sized puff pastry appetizers that can...
These Buffalo chicken empanadas are a great appetizer for football games or entertaining! Serve with your dip of choice--sour cream, guacamole, ranch,...
These Hawaiian-inspired puffs are stuffed with a curry chicken mixture. They're always a hit at potlucks and parties, and I'm constantly being asked for...
Making cream horns at home seems difficult at first, but with a little practice, it can turn out beautifully. These scrumptious Mom's Cream Horns are...
My kids and I made up this recipe one day for lunch. The juxtaposition of the Cheddar, pears, and peanut butter is yummy and decently healthy for kids....
A samosa presser is available from Asian grocery stores, but I use a dumpling press and it works just as well. I love these tasty treats and they are always...
These stuffed savory pastries are a traditional Indian favorite. Lamb meat and spices are cooked together to create a mouthwatering filling for the easy...
This is a fun snack to make. You can also make smaller checkerboards out of just one or two pieces of toast. It is fun to play checkers on the toast squares...
'Tarte a la Moutarde et a la Tomate,' the French tomato tart with mustard, is one of my favorite things to make with fresh ripe tomatoes. But after cutting,...
This classic British treat can be served with both sweet and savory toppings. For example, for lovers of hearty breakfasts, you can make crumpets with...