Want a great spaghetti and meatballs dish without the fuss? Update this pasta classic with Johnsonville! The secret to this exceptional recipe is Johnsonville...
Rather than a risotto rice, I use pearled barley for this orzotto. Prep time is almost nil if you have a food processor to deal with chopping the onion...
The rich flavor of oven-roasted veggies and sliced chicken sausage are tossed with linguine and topped with grated Parmesan cheese in this fast and delicious...
Instead of layering the ingredients, this lasagna recipe mixes the pasta and Classico® Tomato and Basil pasta sauce together, then tops with cheese to...
Roasted tomatoes, asparagus, onion and tasty browned chicken meatballs are tossed with linguini, fresh basil and grated Parmesan cheese in this quick,...
A traditional Italian-style favorite is made easier for you! Combine Buitoni Marinara Sauce with stuffed shells, add a tossed salad and warm bread and...
Yes, you can make a gourmet-style dish in just 30 minutes! It's as simple as this skillet chicken dish, served in a creamy balsamic sauce with olives,...
Shells and cheese can be a great snack, but Johnsonville can transform it into a meal! This recipe combines all of your favorite Italian cheeses with the...
Traditional pasta goes Tex Mex with the addition of chicken, diced tomatoes, corn, Monterey Jack cheese, and zesty PHILADELPHIA Santa Fe Blend Cooking...
Traditional pasta goes Tex Mex with the addition of chicken, diced tomatoes, corn, Monterey Jack cheese, and zesty PHILADELPHIA Santa Fe Blend Cooking...
This pasta dish is quick and easy. The sauce is flavorful and the spicy Italian sausage gives it just a little kick. Serve with a salad and warm Italian...
The richness of Saigon Cinnamon flavors this salad created by Suzanne Goin of Luques in Los Angeles, California. Dates, carrots and toasted pinenuts add...