This was handed down from my Grandmother from 1948, She was a country cook that was always lookin for something different to cook. Most of her recipes...
My father was German-Mennonite and grew up eating this chilled fruit soup. When I was about 15, I found a recipe for it and made it for him. He said it...
This recipe makes big fluffy "drop" dumplings. Made from scratch has never been easier! We like alot of pepper so I add extra pepper when I make it for...
I love German recipes, especially soups. This one is quick and hearty. Good for those frigid winter days and nights. Serve with a heavy dark bread. Recipe...
We'd say this is more of a tomato soup than a bisque but it's delicious. It's so easy to make without any real prep work. Buttermilk adds a wonderfully...
This is a great recipe to have expecially in cooler weather. It can be served with refried beans, spanish rice and hot flour tortillas or spooned onto...
This Potato Soup is always a favorite at our home in the winter time. It's easy to make and definitely is a comfort food. Over the years, I have changed...
Shrimp stock is an often overlooked ingredient that is usually substitued with chicken stock. Try this recipe with your next gumbo or seafood based soup...
This recipes brings back wonderful childhood memories. My grandma would make this all the time for my dad and I. It was and is still our favorite meal....
I really love sweet potatoes, and find them a very healthful side dish. So I've tried making them into more main dishes. Not too sweet, this soup will...
Like Brenda, your friends will love it when you prepare this tasty soup. It's creamy with chunks of potato in every bite. We love the depth of flavor the...
If you have some serious meat-eaters at your table, you could easily add cubed beef to this terrific recipe. That said, we loved this soup on its own....
I made this soup after Thanksgiving with the scraps from the Holiday Ham. As I was eating it after every bite I just kept saying Yum! So I though I would...
For Filipino's and for most people who were able to try Sinigang na Tilapia sa Miso is a popular sour fish soup recipe in the Philippines. Cook's Notes:...
Italian Wedding Soup is my very favorite soup. I always thought you had to go to a lot of trouble to make it, but turns out, that's not so. No need to...
The development of this stew goes back long time, it began many years ago at a small mom/pop restaurant a mile or two from the U of Alabama, where I was...
Pork Stuffed Wonton Soup is plump full of scrumptious pork stuffed wontons, onions, mushrooms, carrots, celery and Napa Cabbage in a perfectly seasoned...
I made up a pot of this soup tonight for dinner 4/23/13 and it was delicious. My husband Anthony, my Mom & I all enjoyed the unique flavor of having sweet...
I have had a bag of split peas in my pantry for months, waiting for it to get cool enough to make this soup. I am the only one in my family who loves pea...
This is a thick, creamy and cheesy lovin' kinda soup. If you love your potatoes and cheese then this will be a soup that you enjoy. It's easy to make but...
This is the kind of soup you either love or you hate. I personally do not enjoy Lemon Drop soup but my friends are wild about it. Maybe you are someone...
I'm sorry I didn't get pictures of this was so good! I'll have to take some next time. This was an amazing - creamy, indulgence! I hope you...
From an old Boston Globe article, dated Feb.27, 1985: Gaspar's is a sausage success story. Simple recipes using spicy linguica. Try it and let me know...
This is a great alternative to customary turkey soup. You can make it as spicy as you want depending on how much jalapeno membrane is used. I make a huge...
I picked up some chorizo on sale at the store and wasn't sure what to do with it, so checked it out online. I found some really great soup recipes, but...