Vegies for a crowd of 50 or more! Good for food service folks or a family reunion. This is a colorful and delicious French vegetable stew that can be enjoyed...
This great side dish is prepared all summer long and on New Years Day along with ham sandwiches and baked beans. This stuff is so flavorful and even more...
For those who don't have a lot of time to cook, but do enjoy a self prepared meal. I "created" this recipe by mixing 2 recipes and omitting things that...
I have been making different batches of salsa every year to see if any are better then any others - after all the tests this has been a proven winner year...
This is cited as a lazy supper from Cooking Light Nov '11---maybe if your dieting : ) I think of it more as an fancy appetizer. I also add whatever kind...
Plan ahead the salad needs to chill for at least 4 hours to blend flavors, sliced beets may be used in place of the rosebud, this is best when served at...
This vegetable specialty takes its name from the glazed earthenware dish in which it is traditionally baked. This recipe may be assembled, wrapped tightly,...
This is a simple couscous salad. It is very simple and easy to make. I particularly like the pine nuts in this! Prep and cooking time do not include any...
After doing several Chili Cook Offs in Wisconsin and Illinois I decided to try my skills at developing a good Chili Verde that was not as hot as most of...
From, the food of North Africa. My son did a report on Algeria for school and told me that he read about a fish stew. I looked it up...
This simple, healthy, and delicious recipe is from celebrity chef Eric Ripert and was printed in Food & Wine Magazine. It's very tasty but surprisingly...
An adaptation from that works - this is the base sauce for many of the curries I will be posting over the next few weeks. This sauce will...
Kitchen aromas are at their tantalizing best when preparing this sofrito. The addition of a German Riesling completes this wonderful process. Served over...
This unusual (but I think delicious) recipe is purported to originate in the vanilla-producing regions of eastern Mexico. It calls for the use of pure...
My husband made this sauce and I was absolutely floored. Not because he's not usually this good a cook (he's excellent) but because I have only ever had...
I rarely deep-fry anything, but these make the smoky kitchen worth it. I got this from "Good Time Eatin' in Cajun Country," a vegan Cajun cookbook (what...
Another "Quick Cookin'" favorite. I made this for the first time this summer. My husband swears it's his favorite macaroni salad and I have not made any...
Cilantro and lime are the stars in this tomato salsa. But it gets a bit better with the inclusion of avocado. I tasted a similar salsa in a restaurant,...
A simple but impressive recipe from my mother, Charlotte White. The honey accentuates the natural carmelization of the onions, and the catsup (surprise...
I tagged Recipe #241413 recipe that called for croutons, I didn't have any I had leftover Recipe #387791 which had some seeds in it! I cubed and kicked...