This seafood pasta is a mix of shrimp, clams, mussels and scallops, all tossed together with spaghetti in a homemade tomato sauce. An easy yet elegant...
This delicious easy Hamburger Noodle Casserole from Pioneer Woman is made the old-fashioned way with canned soup, ground beef, corn, egg noodles, and lots...
This ginger chicken is pieces of chicken breast sauteed with broccoli, ginger and garlic, all in a savory sauce. A quick and easy stir fry recipe that's...
Recipe video above. The smoked sausage is the trick here to get great flavour into this quick one pot dinner. Tastes like Jambalaya, minus the cajun flavours,...
Make the perfect jeera rice that's non sticky, fluffy & aromatic. Instructions included to make jeera rice in a regular pot, traditional pressure cooker...
An easy recipe for Pad Thai with simple accessible ingredients with the most amazing flavor! The best part ... once you have your ingredients prepped it...
We have the easiest Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas Recipe packed with chicken, cheese and an amazing sour cream sauce. These are the best Sour Cream Chicken...
Recipe video above. Vindaloo is a traditional Indian curry that's not for the faint hearted! Big, bold curry flavours. Deep, vibrant red colour. Chunks...
These slow cooker sloppy joes are made with ground beef, tomato sauce, brown sugar and spices, all cooked to savory perfection. An easy crock pot meal...
The perfect traditional Greek rice pilaf (pilafi) recipe! Fluffy, fragrant rice and crispy, tender, fall of the bone chicken legs with a delicious lemon...
Thai Turkey Burgers infused with lemongrass, ginger and basil, served with a Crunchy Asian Slaw and Spicy Aioli. Serve this on a tasty bun, in a lettuce...
This sirloin steak is seared to golden brown perfection, then topped with garlic and herb butter. A simple, yet totally satisfying way to enjoy steak that's...
One pan roasted chicken and potatoes tossed in the most flavorful lemon spice combo and roasted in the oven until juicy tender. It's such an easy weeknight...
Recipe video above. A homemade Chili with the addition of macaroni and cheese = Chili Mac 'n Cheese! This is terrifically moorish and a fabulous one pot...
Beer batter can be contentious. When done right, it is light, airy, and crunchy-perfectly complimenting the fillet within. When done poorly, it can be...
A West Indian-style curry, this Trini Roti hails from the deepest regions of the Caribbean. An heirloom recipe gifted to me by Chef Devin Marhue, known...
Recipe video above. Realistically, one knuckle will serve 2. But for wow factor, serve one per person!!!While producing tender Pork Knuckle flesh is straightforward...
A Hungarian classic summer dish - paprika peppers with with ground beef, rice and paprika spice. Cooked in a delicious tomato passata sauce. Summer comfort...
This wine and garlic marinated pork recipe is amazing! This recipe is a traditional meal served on all the Azores islands. This dish is known as Torresmos...
Recipe VIDEO above. Nothing infuses pork chops with flavour like a good marinade! This one is ideal for grilling so the high heat sears the crust beautifully....
This pepper steak stir fry is thinly sliced flank steak cooked with red and green bell peppers in a savory sauce. A quick and easy meal that tastes even...
Recipe video above. Plump, extra juicy, extra tasty rissoles - an Aussie favourite! I usually make Beef Rissoles but these can be made with lamb, pork,...
These seared scallops are large sea scallops that are cooked until golden brown and caramelized, then finished off with a garlic butter sauce. A quick...
Penne Pasta Primavera is a delicious and healthy meal that is full of crunchy veggies and tender pasta. Finished off with a simple sauce of chicken broth...
The absolute best shrimp marinade made with garlic, herbs, spices and lemon. You can cook your marinated shrimp on the grill, stove top or in the oven...