An easy one-skillet penne pasta dish that comes together in less than 20 minutes. Spicy sausage flavors the tasty tomato sauce and penne pasta. A quick...
Aloo dum is a potato and pea curry which is possibly the most common vegetable curry in India. It's almost like chips with everything here, aloo dum with...
This chicken tater tot casserole is perfect for a busy weeknight. It has all the makings for a quick, easy, tasty recipe for your family - just when you...
This simple, delicious Artichoke Pasta is made with lemon, butter, and plenty of Parmesan. And it's made with frozen artichoke hearts so you can enjoy...
Grab your favorite skillet and whip up this easy, ultra-flavorful Cajun Chicken and Rice! Made with just one pan, homemade Cajun seasoning mix, and ready...
This Creamy Lemon Artichoke Pasta with Chicken, red peppers, and parsley has a bright, delicate lemon flavor in a creamy, garlicky parmesan sauce. An easy...
This is a West African inspired rendition of an okra and tomato stew, great on its own or served as a sauce over meat or fish. There are some unusual spices...
Sheet-Pan Baked Rainbow Trout and Asparagus. Trout is flavored with olive oil, salt and cracked black pepper, freshly minced garlic and fresh lemon. Healthy,...
Veggie stir fries make quick, healthy and delicious weeknight dinners, so we're bringing you the best vegetarian stir fry recipes out there to add to your...
These Mushroom Soup Baked Pork Chops and Rice are a one pot meal as they cook in a delicious ream of mushroom soup and rice casserole at the same time!...
Crisp on top, oozing with sauce and with perfectly cooked pasta, my Super Simple Macaroni Cheese is totally delicious and so simple to make - perfect for...
Homemade shake and bake chicken has never been easier or tastier. This flavor-packed breadcrumb coating will make your chicken so crunchy! Mix it up and...
Posole is a traditional holiday dish here in New Mexico and can be made with red or green chile. There are many, many posole recipes. This is how I make...
Crispy Baked Parmesan Chicken has a crispy crunchy coating with a tender juicy chicken breast inside. Nobody will ever believe that this is baked and not...
This Chicken with Creamy Mushroom Sauce is a simple yet very elegant dish featuring boneless skinless chicken breasts in a delicious creamy mushroom sauce...
The best fajita marinade recipe is here for you to enjoy! If you're obsessed with fajitas like we are we're sharing the best beef marinade secret with...
Learn how to cook the best filet mignon perfectly like a steakhouse, pan seared in a cast iron skillet & finished in the oven (with time chart!). This...
Easy Roasted Cornish Hen, the perfect one-pot meal for any weeknight or holiday dinner! This recipe made the Cornish hen tasty and juicy! It's the most...
In summers, I'm always inventing dinner ideas that are healthy yet are quick and easy.... So, I can serve homemade dinner in no time and keep my family's...
Enjoy the authentic taste of Germany through these delicious Bratwursts! Make a double batch, freeze them, and you can conveniently grab and grill a bratwurst...