Wild salmon is paired with blueberries in this quick and easy dish dressed in a silken blueberry balsamic sauce for a delicious combination of sweet &...
Slow-roasted lamb shanks are such a great cold weather meal. They are full of flavor, and extremely easy to make. This recipe has only a few ingredients,...
This moroccan inspired salad is gluten-free, easy to make, and healthy! This is a protein packed, whole-foods salad recipe, using fresh and flavourful...
This easy Thai Fried Rice recipe is one of my favorite go-to meals on a busy weeknight. Use leftover rice and your favorite protein and veggie additions...
This Apple Bacon Grilled Cheese Sandwich recipe makes the best quick and easy lunch or dinner. Packed with bacon, two cheeses, honey and crisp apples,...
Taco seasoned ground beef flavored with salsa and sour cream creates a creaming filling for this Ground Beef Doritos Casserole. Layered with cheeses and...
Juicy, ultra-tender prime rib is the ultimate roast beef. To cut its size to suit two, I opted for a 1 1/2-pound, 1 1/2-inch-thick bone-in rib-eye steak....
These are loaded shrimp tacos. They are filled with spicy blackened shrimp, chipotle slaw, and mango salsa. A sprinkling of Cotija cheese and a drizzle...
Korean jeon are simple flat cakes of vegetables, fish or meat coated with a flour and egg batter and pan fried. These delicious treats are served as a...
This is a delicious recipe that i had made with some friends. I bet this is not really an original, but it was to us because we wung it and made it up...
Navajo tacos are such a fun spin on traditional tacos, made with puffy, fried, flour-tortilla-like fry bread and flavorful ground beef and beans, plus...
Creamy Chicken and Rice is comfort food at its most addicting - and just also happens to be made in one pot with minimal prep. This Chicken and Rice recipe...
BBQ Pot Roast is an easy and delicious family meal that only requires a few ingredients. A chuck roast is cooked in BBQ sauce with some onions and garlic...
Lentils with spinach and kielbasa is perfectly seasoned in this easy crockpot meal fullof savory onions, peppers, and garlic. Start it early in the day...
Instant pot chicken with a creamy salsa verde sauce. The Instant Pot is a programmable pressure cooker, if you don't have one, this recipe can be adapted...
Tendr bits of chicken in a savory but sweet sauce are the perfect dish for dinner. This easy bourbon chicken reciep is the ideal 30-minute meal you will...
Best Ever Taco Meat- a combination of ground beef and chorizo, plus some chipotle peppers makes for a deliciously-flavored taco filling. This recipe is...