This spelt pie crust is so easy to make, but you can use store-bought instead. Hot smoked trout can replace the smoked salmon for some variation and broccoli...
Make chicken soup easy by using store-bought rotisserie chicken instead of cooking your own. Fresh veggies like kale and winter squash and fiber-packed...
Quick and easy, this kale sautéed with white beans and sausage recipe will convert kale skeptics. Garlic and onion up the savory factor of this hearty...
Copious amounts of kale were sacrificed in my pursuit of a kale energy bar. On my umpteenth attempt at puréeing the leaves into gooey-green glue, inspiration...
Listen, this dish is indulgent, and makes a bit more than two responsible adults should finish in one sitting. But for crying out loud, live a little....
Loaded with fresh herbs and sturdy kale and then set off by a bright and spicy dressing, this is an ideal counterpoint to the more decadent dishes on the...
These turmeric-spiced pumpkin falafels come together in a food processor, then roast in the oven to golden-brown perfection. A punchy carrot slaw keeps...
The crisp-tender texture and robust flavor of thinly sliced Tuscan kale stands up to the tart, Caesar-like dressing of this hearty slaw. Serve as a first...
Ripe, juicy tomatoes provide the salad dressing as well as a key ingredient in this hanger steak salad. With balsamic, garlic, and plenty of fresh basil,...