Whether you eat it cold, piping hot right out of the oven, or after it's cooled a bit, you'll agree that this creamy, cheesy dip full of corn, tomatoes,...
Every party demands a great dip, right? Whether it's chips and salsa or a simple veggie dip. This quick and easy crawfish dip is a definite crowd pleaser!...
Small cast iron or nonstick skillets make it easy to serve raclette for a group. For this party, we warmed individual cheese portions in 3 1/2-inch cast...
This chicken Florentine cheese dip can be a delicious appetizer or main dish, rich with fresh vegetables and real flavor! Serve on crackers, toasted homemade...
A sausage dip that's easy and cheesy? This 3-ingredient sausage dip comes together in minutes and is sure to be a hit at your next party or get-together....
My daughter-in-law made this for a Christmas appetizer, and it was a hit. I had to have the recipe. For having Ro*Tel® and jalapenos in it, it really...
My daughter-in-law made this for a Christmas appetizer, and it was a hit. I had to have the recipe. For having Ro*Tel® and jalapenos in it, it really...
A delicious warm appetizer to put out that soon everyone will gobble up. Quick and easy to make with few ingredients. Puts a whole new meaning to ham and...
This is my jazzed up version of classic queso dip taken to a heartier level, perfect for football games, tailgating or for taking along to pot lucks in...
A wonderful, easy, creamy hot dip that even sauerkraut haters love. I often take this to work potlucks because I can assemble it at work. Just throw everything...
This is my jazzed up version of classic queso dip taken to a heartier level, perfect for football games, tailgating or for taking along to pot lucks in...
Brie baked in a round sourdough bread bowl makes this ultimately easy! You could substitute a sweet chutney for the topping for even easier prep. I microwaved...
Brie baked in a round sourdough bread bowl makes this ultimately easy! You could substitute a sweet chutney for the topping for even easier prep. I microwaved...
My husband named this dish. A wonderfully cheesy dip with spiced ground sausage and green chiles. Served warm with corn chips, it always goes so fast at...
My husband named this dish. A wonderfully cheesy dip with spiced ground sausage and green chiles. Served warm with corn chips, it always goes so fast at...
My husband named this dish. A wonderfully cheesy dip with spiced ground sausage and green chiles. Served warm with corn chips, it always goes so fast at...
We hadn't been shopping and had surprise company. I just threw together leftovers and created this magnificent dip. Now I fix it whenever family or company...
A delicious warm appetizer to put out that soon everyone will gobble up. Quick and easy to make with few ingredients. Puts a whole new meaning to ham and...
Just change the name and bring this dish along to the next party, and you are guaranteed to be getting noticed. This taco dip is simple and lasting. Make...
This is a great clam dip for serving with crackers. My Aunt is famous in our family for the recipe! We all love it! Minced clams are mixed with a blend...
This is a spicy dip that has become a staple for football watching in our house! Chicken, cream cheese, ranch, cheddar, and hot sauce are combined to make...
This is a seriously cheesy and beefy bean dip! Grab a bag of your favorite tortilla chips and start dipping. Every time I make this recipe everyone waits...
This hot dip is perfect for a tailgate party or anytime! Shredded chicken, cream cheese, hot sauce and lots of melted cheese create a wonderful buffalo...