Sweeten up everyone's day when you serve these Fruit Kabobs with Lemon Dip. COOL WHIP and low-fat lemon yogurt make a simple and delicious dip in this...
Enjoy Smothered Chicken and Rice that you can make part of a healthy eating plan. Featuring bacon, carrots and Neufchatel cheese-based sauce, you will...
Make your morning sweet with this Chocolate-Raspberry French Toast Bake. With ciabatta bread, raspberries and a creamy chocolate concoction, this Chocolate-Raspberry...
Try this Turkey Breast with Stuffing and Gravy recipe for Thanksgiving. Requiring only 20 minutes of prep time, this easy-to-make Turkey Breast with Stuffing...
Warm up with our Bobotie (South African Beef Casserole) recipe, a flavorful dish that combines bread, ground beef, mango chutney, rice and more. Add bobotie...
Make these Easy Chocolate Éclair Squares for the kids' next bake sale. Layers of vanilla pudding and COOL WHIP along with sweet graham crackers make these...