Bring out the flavors of onions and center cut bacon with our savory Slow-Cooker Smothered Chicken recipe. This Slow-Cooker Smothered Chicken is served...
Make a toast with sweet and tangy Sparkling Cranberry Sangria. From Christmas festivities to New Year's celebrations, Sparkling Cranberry Sangria is a...
Top ground beef and cheesy mostaccioli with spaghetti sauce in this easy weeknight pasta bake. Cheesy Mostaccioli with Beef and Parmesan takes just 20...
Discover a new crowd favorite when you serve this Crispy Coconut Shrimp with Dipping Sauce. This Crispy Coconut Shrimp with Dipping Sauce dish includes...
Start your day off right with our Hash Brown Breakfast Casserole! Sausage eggs, hash browns and cheese all come together for our tasty Hash Brown Breakfast...
Discover your new go-to appetizer recipe with these tasty Shrimp Puffs. Made with on-hand ingredients, like refrigerated crescent rolls and cream cheese,...
Does it get any sweeter than Strawberry Dream Squares? Strawberry Dream Squares have creamy vanilla pudding over a strawberry layer and graham cracker...
Check out this delicious recipe for a juicy Chicken Fondue! Fon-Do enjoy this Chicken Fondue recipe with family and friends. Fon-Don't reveal just how...
Get a leg up on cheeseburger mac with VELVEETA Shells & Cheese Dinner. Add ground beef, tomatoes & more for this VELVEETA Shells & Cheese Cheeseburger...
Save some time and prepare this Make-Ahead Chicken-Parmesan Meatloaf before the busy week! With tangy pasta sauce , fresh basil and grated parmesan cheese,...