Enjoy the flavors of Turkey with a delicious street-food favorite: the doner kebab. This dish is enjoyed the world over. Our tasty Doner Kebab (Turkish-Style...
Enjoy Creamy Chicken with Roasted Poblanos tonight. Chicken, pomegranate seeds and fresh poblano chilies star in this easy skillet dish. Learn how to make...
Make mealtime in a jiffy with this quick Easy Ravioli with Bacon Recipe. Enjoy the creamy Parmesan sauce mixed with broccoli and crumbled bacon in this...
Make our Chocolate Delight Recipe! This chocolate delight recipe starts with a shortbread base made with chopped pecans and butter and ends with chocolate...
Bring your bruschetta game to the next level with our flavorful Shrimp Bruschetta. Served with your choice of crackers, our Shrimp Bruschetta recipe is...
Fire up the grill for our Grilled Chicken Fajita Pizza! Green and red pepper strips, PHILADELPHIA Spicy Jalapeño Cream Cheese Spread, chicken and more...
Get part of your veggie serving for the day with these Bacon Potatoes on the Grill. Flavored with garlic, pesto and delicious bacon, you'll love serving...
Enjoy the classic flavor of our Creamy Egg Salad Recipe today. Perfect for sandwiches or served on its own, Creamy Egg Salad Recipe is truly a timeless...
Try something new with these Fully Loaded Scalloped Potatoes. With fresh chives, bacon crumbles, cheese and sour cream, your family will love Fully Loaded...