I love how the sweet persimmon balances out the tartness that you get from the pomegranate arils and creamy goat cheese. Top that with the crunch of sliced...
An amazing salad that blends different flavors to impress your guests. The salad dressing is an orange vinaigrette. Try to use Asian pears in this salad,...
A meatless kale salad that can be a meal by itself. You may want to chop off the bottom of each asparagus stalk. The purplish-white part will not roast...
This light and refreshing salad has been requested by my family for years! The sweetness from the fruit combined with the zesty dressing and crunchy lettuce...
This lemony salad is served hot from the wok. Escarole is a bitter green, but can be less so when grown shielded from the sun. In general, lighter green...
I have kale coming out of my ears from the garden, so I was looking for another way to eat this most revered food. My cousin Pam helped me come up with...
This recipe is easy to make, but tastes impressive and is always a big hit at barbecues. You can swap the mandarin oranges for dried cranberries depending...
When you combine tender sugar snap peas with fresh blueberries, a fruity dressing, and a bit of crunch from the almonds, you're in for a treat. This will...
Need a healthy snack or lunch that will keep you full? Belgian endive and brown rice make for a refreshing lunch. For more than one serving, just multiply....
This is a warm salad: cooked mushrooms poured over mixed greens. The warm mushrooms are supposed to wilt the lettuce a bit. I use the pre-packaged mixed...
My coworker Lori makes this salad whenever she is in charge of Friday breakfast and we all absolutely love it...and it's so easy. Absolutely no cooking...
I looked into my refrigerator to see what I had...and the ingredients jumped to my imagination. I thought: I think this has to taste good and go well with...
A great tasting and adaptable recipe from my mother-in-law! Poppy Seed dressing, linguine, veggies, and grilled chicken. You just can't stop eating it!...
Delicious salad that tastes like the III Forks salad (if you live in the Dallas area). It's an excellent salad that everyone will love, and it's very easy...
Fresh spinach leaves topped with strawberries, bananas, mandarin oranges, Craisins®, toasted sesame seeds, walnuts, and a honey dressing. Also good with...
I usually make a double amount of dressing and store it in my refrigerator in a glass jar. I also buy my Gorgonzola cheese in big chunk and store it in...
Our family loves this when we are in the mood for something healthy and satisfying. Even my meat-loving husband loved it! My vegetarian daughter thought...
This easy, low-carb fig salad with creamy Gorgonzola and peppery arugula is a beautiful and elegant dish that's perfect for a light lunch or a summer salad....
Traditional Caesar salad that uses kale instead of romaine! Makes 4 side-dish portions, but you can make it a main dish meal by topping it with a grilled...
Wasabi peas are the secret spicy kick in this delicious salad. You can use any dried fruit you like, such as blueberries, cherries, cranberries, chopped...
Are you tired of eating your leftover Thanksgiving meal? If you are, try this recipe. It is healthy and delicious. The combination of the minty mint and...