I never made fish like this before. The cooking liquid seals in a great flavor to any boring fish. You can use any whitefish. I actually used tilapia,...
Curry Sausage (Curry wurst) is a very popular German snack/fast food on the go. Its easy to make, kids love and its cheap! I'm using hotdogs in this recipe...
I made a family cookbook for my German grandmother's 100 birthday. Relatives from her 11 brothers and sisters sent the recipes and I believe this one is...
DH and I served Williams-Sonoma's Braised Short Ribs atop of this herbed spaetzle (also from Williams-Sonoma), with a side of broccoli rabe with pancetta...
Quark is not easily available in most non German countries, and it cannot really substituted by ricotta or creamcheese. But then it's not really difficult...
I brought this recipe over from Germany almost 20 years ago. It has molasses, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, honey and brown sugar in it. This is one of my...
Springerle recipe from Germany. The best! This recipe has been used in my family for at least 6 generations. The results more than make up for the long,...
Here's another recipe for making Leberwurst yourself. Sorry it took so long. I sort of get behind in everything translating a lot of recipes helping folks...
An ice box cookie, these were one of the two Christmas cookie recipes my German grandmother made every year until her death at age 92. While they may not...
Adapted from the New German Cookbook, by Jean Anderson and Hedy Wurz. Posted for ZWT6. The author included directions for making your own fish stock. If...
From tastygermanrecipe.com. Fresh parsley, dill or chives can replace borage if it is unavailable. I wasn't sure what type of onion to use in the salad...
My husband and any one I have served this soup to love it. I was looking in a cook book for Knepfla soup and I found one. But we don' t like celery and...
This is the best tasting, easiest prepared springerle recipe I have baked over the past 35+ years. I use a springerle board for ease, vs. the rolling pin....
This is a recipe that was in my Grandmother's personal recipe collection. It translates from German to Cold Dog. It is very delicious layered cake that...
So simple, and so good! Great with hot dogs, pretzels, spread on sandwiches, fish, poultry, etc.! Adapted from Easy Entertaining with Michael Chiarello...
If you have a soft spot for Senfgurken, then try this homemade German pickle recipe with mustard, dill and other spices. These pickles are unlike most...
In Germany, the filling for this classic cake (called Käsesahnetorte) is make with quark but quark is not easy to find in the US and quite pricey. I use...
German dishes are great because they require very few ingredients. This easy way to make pork chops is flavorful and easy to do. By breading the pork chops...
A true German/Polish dish that is simply 'Delish'! I sometimes use Swiss cheese in place of the Cheddar, which is a good switch as well! This is a casserole...
This Spicemix is used on just about anything. Feinkost means fine food. Gewürz means Spice, but think of this as seasoned salt. Posted for Zaar World...
This is an authentic German cheesecake recipe from my friend Isolde, a dear friend and coworker, gave to me many years ago. Quark is found in Germany and...
This dish provides a very tender roast with a German flavor appeal. Great served with mashed potatoes or spaetzle. Parslied carrots and red cabbage will...
This honey cake is a great dessert for dinners surrounding the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah, but also just for a tasty honey cake any time you want...
This is my recipe for Rhineland Sauerbraten which is different from Westphalian Sauerbraten. It's more on the mild side, rather sweet and sour than tart....
A rich creamy potato soup infused with Chocolate Stout. Beer Bratwursts braised in Stout are served with the soup. The Potato Leek Soup can be served as...
A large portion of Switzerland is highly influenced by German cuisine. Here is a combination of the two! I do recommend that you purchase a spaetzle maker,...
Since my mother's parents came from Nuremberg and Munich, Germany, lebkuchen has been a holiday tradition in my family ever since I was little. We don't...