A delicious coconut filled chocolate cookie - very decadent! You may top cookies with your favorite frosting recipe, I use a prepared chocolate frosting,...
Delicious, truly guilt-free cookies with the strong, tasty flavors of ginger, honey, and orange that blend like a party in your mouth! If your store does...
A relatively easy recipe for both the cookie and the fillings. Kids will have fun kneading, rolling and pressing the cookie cutters. This includes instructions...
These are really tasty squares that are perfect for a tea or even a pot luck, always a hit when I make them, and easy to do! Can also be made with pineapple...
This recipe uses a pre-made mix that will keep for several weeks. You can look at the recipe for Basic Cookie Mix here at Allrecipes.com! Use 2 cups for...
A chewy chocolate mix with dried cranberries - a holiday treat! I prefer to use white whole wheat flour because it's not as heavy as regular whole wheat...
These are chewy moist coconut bars. This was a special treat during the 1930s and 40s which my mother served often to our farming community by popular...
I just love nuts, especially cashews! So, about 15 years ago I started experimenting with making a cashew cookie based on the Betty Crocker® peanut butter...
A pineapple-coconut cookie with a hint of rum. I started out to make a plain pineapple cookie but then got daring and in the process I discovered a great...
This is a prune and raisin filled cookie with chopped walnuts added if desired. The cookies are made into loaves approx. 3 1/2 to 4 inches wide and 8 to...
Was wanting to find a recipe that used lemon pudding and just couldn't find the right one that suited me, so I came up with this one on a whim. It smelled...
This recipe for coconut bar cookies is amazingly delicious and handed down from my great great grandmother, born and raised in Missouri. Every generation...