This delicious dish is easy enough for everyday, yet elegant enough for company. Firm white fish is baked to perfection in a rich cream sauce, then topped...
Salmon with dill sauce is one of my favorite dinners.I served it with Roasted Potatos and steamed broccoli. I served the salmon on a bed of rice with fresh...
This was given to me by my good friend Xumelia, She is from Bahia Brasil. She is an incredible cook and exchange recipes. We stay in touch on the internet....
If you're a fan of fish tacos, then you'll be a fan of this recipe! The batter for the fish is great. And, the cilantro cream sauce is terrific. Each bite...
Happy restaurant uses local farmraised hybrid striped bass, rated a "Best Choice" by Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch guide, for this Thai-inspired...
Having lived in the culinary paradise known as Vietnam for a few years has inspired me to experiment with a variety of Asian fusion dishes; this is one...
Who would think bananas would go so nicely with fish? I used sole with this recipe, but I think any white fish would work. My family usually doesn't eat...
This quick fish 'piccata' boasts a powerful punch of flavor with minimal mess from prep! Quick, easy, and certain to satisfy! Serve with brown/wild rice...
Extremely flavorful, quick, and low sodium way to prepare this (or any other) light fish. Lower sat. fat, calories, and eliminate sodium by replacing butter...