Salmon is my most favorite fish that I love, love, love. It is beautiful and very filling, not to mention easy to cook up and have ready for a meal in...
The sweet & spicy dry rub on this fish is amazingly good. Give it a try. I think you'll love it. And, it's easy... I love Pinot Noir or Cotes du Rhone...
I have always loved to cook. My mom is an awesome cook and my grandmother an even better one. I think i loved to cook ever since i was little and was watching...
This is so good light, crispy, the fish inside is juicy and glistening. Depending on the beer you use the taste could be different. I like to jazz it up...
Cod fish with hot pepper sauce (You can use any kind of fish) This recipe was given to my sister by her Portuguese friend. My mom use to make this with...
I had about 10 minutes to pack myself lunch and voila! Healthy, filling, colorful and delicious, and made with whatever fresh veggies you have on hand....
Tuna cooks so nicely on the grill, one of the few pieces of fish that won't fall apart on you. The pineapple salsa is wonderful with this smokey, grilled...
This makes a good presentation served on either salad greens or mashed potatoes but is also very tasty. When red fish is not available I've used grouper...
The trick to doing this flawlessly is to clean and shell shrimp, and scrub mussels earlier in the day. With the shrimp shells make your shrimp stock next....
The coconut crisp brings texture and heat to this simple stewy dish. Make a double or triple batch and use it as a topping for savory oatmeal, hearty soups,...
This super quick recipe utilizes frozen breaded fish fillets and frozen sweet potato fries. It makes an awesome quick meal for kids at home on vacation...