For curry in a hurry, a few shortcut ingredients from the frozen foods- and canned goods-aisles yield a gently spiced, deep-flavored Thai-inspired sauce...
This was a delightful surprise! The wine reduction sauce is full of flavor and a great complement to the mild tilapia. The mustard and Italian dressing...
The Crew and I really liked the flavor and ease of preparing this fish. The varied ingredients meld extremely well... thanks, in good part, to Monika's...
This recipe is best with fresh or leftover grilled tuna. If you have to use canned, I recommend using twice the seasoning. Can be prepared ahead of time...
This is an easy fish and chip recipe from Ina Garten (Barefoot Contessa). I love making fish and chips this way. The chips are baked in the oven while...
I made this last summer when the family was here to visit. It went over well. They all enjoyed it so much that they asked me for the recipe. This turn...
This simple recipe works best with cod (scrod) and flounder. The product is a fresh, buttery-tasting fillet. Goes so well with french fries or oven fries...
I like mac n cheese, but with tuna, it makes it even better.I make it with one can of drained tuna, but it may not be enough for tuna lovers. I wouldn't...
The fish and vegetables cook perfectly in this recipe. Yummy grilled dinner in a nice, convenient package. Preparing the fish and vegetables in a foil...
The olives reflect nicely the saltiness of capers without being overpowering, while the celery added the freshness of parsley with a subtle crunch. The...