It never ceases to amaze me how fast my kids gobble up this yummy, healthy, baked-not-fried dish. Tilapia is a very light tasting fish that has a nice...
An inspired fusion of traditional Japanese BBQ Yakitori sauce with the buttery and succulent Sea Bass creates a wonderful and savory sweet taste explosion!...
My friend Pan Hui who has a couple of Chinese Restaurants passed this easy way of cooking Tilapia to me. It is more of a technique than a recipe, you adjust...
This recipe and picture are from my first recipe card collection I bought back in 1967. Since then I have made this dish many times for my family and friends....
If you love beef tartare but don't love the idea of leaving a bowl of raw beef out at a cocktail party, this recipe is for you. Smoked salmon is a party-friendly...
This recipe comes from the back of the package of Chicken of the Sea Pink Salmon. This is my go to recipe for salmon patties. I have tried them with crackers...
We love fish! We had to find a way to cook fish...had to give up fried foods. I ate this at the Cracker Barrel and went home and gave it a try! Quick and...
Something new to do with catfish besides deep frying it! A yummy blend of tomatoes and italian seasonings make this a mild fish dish. Great if you don't...