Oven-roasted corned beef to slice for sandwiches. Easy. Tasty. You can just put a pile of meat on some nice pumpernickel with good mustard or make delicious...
If you like banana bread, cakes that take only about a minute to cook, and things that sound too good to be true, you're really going to enjoy this! Garnish...
This is one of my family's favorite recipes. We pair it with mashed potatoes and use the leftover sauce from the pan as gravy. So good, and it makes the...
I've been trying many vegetarian 'meatloaf' recipes trying to find one we thought was just right. This is a conglomeration of several recipes and my own...
Cholent is a Saturday lunch standard in many Jewish homes. Every family has their signature cholent. This recipe took me twelve years to perfect, and includes...
I cook the brown rice with a little toasted sesame oil to give it a nutty flavor. I love this recipe. It freezes well and easily reheats. Sometimes I add...
A super-easy stroganoff with little-to-no fuss. It smells wonderful and is tasty like no other stroganoff you've had before thanks to the addition of cream...
A great way to quickly grill large cuts of tri-tip beef. You can even make it on a busy weeknight! I've also made this for BBQ parties. It's better than...
Don't want to heat up the house by turning on the oven? Try this fast, easy, and perfectly roasted broccoli and cauliflower side dish in your air fryer....
A light vegan dessert or breakfast on the go, this chia pudding is made with almond milk. Serve plain or add a variety of toppings; I like toasted almonds...
The delicate flavor of frog legs, enhanced with savory spices and sauteed until crispy, then served with a delicious, creamy onion gravy. Mouth wateringly...
While the title says dog treats, these treats can also double as a cake decoration or just human treats. I always have to fight off my younger siblings...
This delicious, spicy seasoning blend is wonderful on anything from meats to fish to veggies and even popcorn! Because the ingredients are those most of...
Introduce legumes to your baby with this tasty combination of yellow split peas, carrots, and rice. You can use red lentils instead of the yellow split...
Basic egg pasta ready to roll, extrude, or shape into whatever type of noodle you desire. This dough can be mixed by hand or with a stand mixer. Like any...
Make sangria your way with red, white, or rosé! This easy formula lets you pick your favorite wine and punch it up with juice, brandy, and fresh fruit...
This is one of the coziest dishes we have ever had-you're definitely gonna want to curl up with this one! Red lentils are simmered with a fragrant combination...
I love coming up with variations on a recipe. I had the idea for this cake on the spur of the moment. It's easy to make; basically doctoring up a cake...
Make sangria your way with red, white, or rosé! This easy recipe formula lets you pick your favorite wine and punch it up with juice, brandy, and fresh...
A slow cooker delivers tender, tasty Korean roast beef, known as bulgogi. This was one of my husband's favorite dishes from Korea. Tasty, tender roast...
I'm a Florida girl who is adjusting to the Oklahoma heat, and on days when I miss my home state (and need a refreshing drink) I turn to this incredible...
This salmon starts from frozen and is dressed up with an easy maple-bourbon glaze. A hint of Sriracha also gives a pop of spice to counteract the sweetness...
I created this Mediterranean salad to pair with a white-blend wine from South Africa. The saltiness of the feta and the freshness of the mint and vegetables...
My husband is a commercial fisherman, so I am able to do a lot of experimenting with crab. I have perfected my crab cake recipe but everyone said I needed...
I made this with whatever I happened to have in the fridge that night and it was a quick meal to prepare! Delicious! Serve with mashed potatoes and a side...
This quick cabbage and sausage dish was a big hit in my house. Perfect for Instant Pot® or other similar electric pressure cookers with a Saute function....