These hearty black bean empanadas are a satisfying meal full of smoky, spicy, chipotle chile-laced black beans and Monterey Jack cheese. Smoky Black Bean...
Looking for a slow cooked dinner? Make these tasty wraps with pork roast cooked in barbecue sauce, mixed with delicious homemade coleslaw and spooned into...
Chicken paprikash, a traditional Hungarian recipe, gets the casserole treatment in this flavorful dish. Chicken is combined with red bell peppers, Hungarian...
Find 20 minutes and this luscious, Caprese salad-inspired, chicken casserole can be tonight's dinner. The trick to the quick prep is coating the raw ingredients...
Here's the one-and-done chicken recipe you didn't know you needed-until now! It's easy enough to pull off with a couple of standard veggies, like carrots,...
This roast chicken dinner is as classic as it gets. Bone-in, skin-on chicken is slow-cooked with carrots, mushrooms and onions in an herb-infused broth,...
This seriously simple meal is the thing to make on nights when you don't know what to cook. Chicken breast, onions, bell pepper and snow peas come together...
During the colder months, we can't get enough soup, stew and chili, but truth be told-sometimes we need a break from our old favorites. That's why this...
No reservations required! Our spaghetti with tomatoes and garlic-basil oil dish was inspired by a famous New York City restaurant. It's the perfect meal...
Whenever a dish looks so impressive, tastes so good and is so easy to make, we call it a win. These Southwest-flavored peppers, stuffed with cheesy chicken...