Chicken, fresh tarragon, cream and white wine are no strangers to a French kitchen - and they all come together wonderfully in this classic French-bistro...
This Flemish Beef and Beer Stew, most commonly shortened as "Carbonnade", is the stew of choice in Belgium as well as the North of France. With plenty...
It's party time! Actually, any time is a great time for this recipe for Easy Beef Nachos. All you need are 25 minutes of prep time and pantry staples....
Baked Italian Sausage is quite possibly the easiest dinner ever and ensures that your sausage links are cooked completely! There are countless flavor combinations...
This teriyaki tofu makes a delicious and easy weeknight dinner. You will love the crispy baked tofu in a sweet and salty homemade teriyaki sauce. So much...
This Red Chicken Pozole is a comforting dream in a bowl. Filled with spicy chiles, white hominy, and topped with tons of crunchy veggies. This traditional...
This lentil loaf is the best vegan meatloaf you will ever eat! Make it the day before, enjoy it for dinner, and make cold vegan meatloaf sandwiches for...
A traditional Persian eggplant stew packed with a ton of flavor and made with tender chicken and zesty tomatoes. Serve with Basmati Rice and Lavash bread...
I love my easy Oven Roasted Bone In Chicken Breast for the simplicity of baking these juicy, tender and incredibly tasty chicken breasts up! They're...
Summertime is the season of barbecue... so it's time to learn how to make a barbecue classic. Even though ribs take time, they're well worth the effort,...
Searching for more reasons to use your grill? This grilled cheese quesadilla is the perfect combo of comfort food, Tex-Mex flavor and an easy grill recipe....
If you're looking for a celebratory meal for a holiday or special occasion, and you don't want to default to turkey or ham, try a pork rib roast. The rib...
These deliciously tangy Sweet and Sour Prawns are a tasty combination of tempura-battered wok-fried shrimp, vegetables, and pineapple coated in my homemade...
I'm a sucker for pierogies. I think it started when I was young, growing up in Alberta where I had a friend of Ukranian heritage. We used to go visit her...
Easy Oven Baked Split Chicken Breasts are a healthy choice for any dinner! These flavorful bone-in baked chicken breasts turn out beautifully with a crispy...
These Easy Herb and Lemon Pork Chops will become a regular on your family's menu. Tender and absolutely delicious! 271 calories and 4 Weight Watchers Freestyle...
Creamy and delicious homemade mac and cheese with hot dogs is the quick and easy family dinner that everyone will love to have! Cook your pasta up with...
This Quick and Easy Tuna Noodle Casserole recipe is a fantastic supper for nights when you're short on time! Tuna Noodle Casserole is a family favorite...
This decadent Crab Risotto is a delicious way to serve up a hearty and amazingly flavorful crab dinner! The creamy texture of the risotto is studded with...
This pot roast uses real strong-brewed coffee to give you bold flavors typically reserved for your morning cup of joe.This recipe by Sue Spitler appeared...
This easy vegan Grilled Vegetable Wrap Sandwich is made even better with a smear of hummus and a sprinkle of fresh basil. It's perfect for Meatless Monday!...
Spicy Indian Toor Dal lentils simmered in a creamy curry sauce infused with fresh spinach, zesty tomato, coconut milk and a splash of lemon juice for a...
I like a traditional pasta salad, but I love a pasta salad more it when it incorporates flavors beyond the classic mayonnaise-based pasta salads. This...
Tofu burgers are so easy to make and simply fabulous. Marinated in my favorite burger marinade, tofu burgers are so tasty; they may be your favorite veggie...
Here's a delicious way to enjoy delicata squash - stuffed with a bread and sausage stuffing reminiscent of Thanksgiving. It's easy to eat with the skin...
This is a rich, creamy chicken pasta dish that can be made on the stovetop or in the pressure cooker. The noodles cook right in the sauce, which not only...
This hearty and economical bean stew is a perfect cold weather dish best served on game day. My chili con carne recipe has both ground beef and flavorful...