Don't miss out on this comfort food classic, just because you are watching what you eat. Swapping turkey for beef lightens up the recipe, while yogurt...
Don't bother calling for takeout tonight! You can quickly cook this easy chicken and broccoli stir fry instead. The high heat of the stir fry process means...
If you're a fan of our famous Stuffed Peppers, this hearty stuffed pepper soup is for you! Made with ground beef, green bell peppers, and diced tomatoes,...
If you love takeout fried chicken, you'll love this mess-free recipe that's a crispy, oven-baked alternative. The secret to this baked chicken recipe is...
You asked for it, and the Betty Crocker Kitchens are delivering! Now you can make one of our most popular Instant Pot™ recipes, Creamy Tuscan Chicken...
Looking for a dinner that you can make on the fly? This easy casserole has flexibility built right into it, which we know you'll appreciate on busy nights...
Our favorite flavor trinity - chicken, bacon and ranch - comes together in this creamy, cheesy Tater Tots™ casserole that your family is sure to request...
Do dinner and not the dishes with this one-pot Swedish meatballs recipe! You can even double the meatball recipe and freeze the extra meatballs for the...
Dinner is ready in 10 minutes with this creamy sun-dried tomato pasta! I use my favorite all-natural sun-dried tomatoes, and I skip heavy cream in favor...
We all have our favorite steakhouse, and a go-to meal on their menu, but you don't have to wait to be seated with our sheet pan steak. With just 20 minutes...
You know that phrase, "a little goes a long way?" Well, that absolutely applies to this dish, which tastes rich and buttery but actually only includes...