This mushroom gravy is simple, quick and super flavorful. It's also super creamy without any cream in the recipe! That's right - it's a skinnier gravy,...
There are a number of recipes around that are much like this one, but this one has a difference. It is a "scratch" recipe. It does not make use of convenience...
As I do not own a bread machine, I adapted this recipe to make in my KitchenAid stand mixer using the dough hook. I kept the igredients basically the same,...
This recipe for plum barbecue sauce is a great way to use your fall bounty (or for anytime of year!). Spread this plum bbq sauce on ribs, grilled chicken,...
This recipe is easy, delicious and the perfect party dish to serve as a dip with chips or as a side dish with burgers, fish, chicken or any grilled food....
On the hottest days, Indians forgo iced tea ("too American") for fresh limeade and perhaps mango lassi, which combines fresh mango with yogurt and cardamom....
This will make your house smell SOOOOOOO "Holiday"!! I have made this for 4 years in a row, at Christmas time. It is neat, because you make everything...
This is a simple pasta recipe: strip two ears of corn, sauté the kernels in butter with scallions, purée the mixture into a sauce, then toss it with...
Homemade crackers are easy to make, and the resulting crisps can host almost any cheese, from a semisoft or soft ripened variety like Brie to a semihard...
The combination of crunchy toasted almonds and chewy sweet-tart cherries covered in rich dark chocolate is about as close to the definition of "pure pleasure"...
This is an appetizer that Caprial Pence serves at her restaraunt in Portland,Oregon, called the Westmoreland Bistro. They serve this with Ginger, Carrot,...
These Roasted Caprese Portobello Mushrooms are a delicious meatless option whether it's for lunch or a light dinner. Large portobello mushroom caps are...
Oven Baked Mini Omelettes are quick to make and sensationally delicious. Eat them immediately, or freeze them for later! Plus you can use whatever vegetables...
My take on local Hawaiian-style chili here actually shocks me! It was a staple meal for me while I resided in Hawai'i and has been a favorite meal of mine...
With our easy make-ahead dry-mix recipe, you need only add a few wet ingredients to enjoy fluffy homemade waffles and pancakes any time of the day, any...
A perfect time to do this project would be while you are dying your Eggs at Easter time!Where does the water go when a plant is watered? With this experiment,...
New Potatoes with Garlic and Dill is a perfect side dish that I can always count on to satisfy everyone at the table, plus, it goes well with almost any...
You can enjoy this over Mashed Potatoes. Goes great with rice and stir fry vegetables. This recipe came from Slow Cooker Recipes 4 Families. I have not...
I got this recipe 25 years ago when I attended a Thanksgiving Dinner Party. It is a great way to serve Cranberries. It looks very pretty served in a clear...
This came from a "light" cook book and makes a great sustitute for heavy cream in dessert recipes. Do not overmix, it will cause it to become too liquidy....