German dumplings jazzed up with a little non-traditional seasoning. After dough is cooked you can either serve with brown gravy or cook in 2 tablespoons...
This is my family's favorite recipe! Please experiment with the ingredient amounts. Maybe you will want yours extra cheesy! I have used instant potatoes...
These delicate little Chinese steamed buns are from the Shanghai region. Filled with minced chicken or pork, ginger, and spring onion. Feel free to experiment...
When I tell people I don't like gnocchi, I always have to clarify that I'm talking about the traditional, potato-dough style dumplings, and not the much...
For everyone who likes a thick, heavier dumpling, not the fluffy, melt-in-your-mouth kind from a can, this recipe is for YOU!! These are very easy to make,...
Vareniky are like big ravioli with different fillings (meat, potato, berries, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, etc.) This recipe for vareniky is stuffed...
This creamy edamame filling was punctuated with a dash of truffle oil and it was served in a delicate shallot-Sauternes broth. It was far and away the...
A spicy twist on a traditional dumpling! Delicious, easy-to-prepare dumplings. You can prepare the finished product any way you'd like. These can be steamed,...
This is the only fool proof dumpling I have ever made. It is a keeper! It stirs together in no time and cooks up so light and fluffy every time. It has...
Sometimes called 'potstickers,' these lovely little dumplings are pan-fried and then simmered. Serve with your favorite Chinese dipping sauce or just soy...
Do not let the number of ingredients scare you, these are fantastic and so easy. You may want to double the recipe because everyone will love them. Great...
This is a recipe my Polish grandmother used to make. Although I don't like a lot of Polish food, this is a family favorite I love. It is a lot easier and...
A fantastic way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo! This was a last minute creation using ingredients found in my fridge. Serve with marinara sauce (add chopped...
A traditional recipe from Bavaria and Baden-Wurtemberg, totally vegetarian, do always serve together with a salad in a sour dressing e.g. simple oil &...
Traditional German dumplings. You can also mince a few pieces of bacon in a pan, and heat the cooked spaetzle in the bacon drippings-only omit the butter,...
These homemade family recipe dumplings are wonderful in any type of soup, chicken or otherwise. Grandma made the best. She never measured anything until...
Like people the world over, Thai people have a habit of incorporating foreign dishes into their cuisine. Khanom jeeb is a Thai take on a classic Chinese...
Russian dumplings wrapped in unleavened dough. This is my mother-in-law's recipe so I can cook for my Russian husband. Serve with broth and butter or sour...
As someone who loves dumplings, I'm always brainstorming crazy dumpling ideas. After eating a sausage and egg sandwich one morning for breakfast, the idea...
Easy Korean dumplings that will disappear in a flash. This is the basic recipe. If you are a more experienced chef, you can experiment with other spices...
Tired of boxed pierogis, yet intimidated by the thought of making pierogis from scratch? I was. Here's what I came up with as an alternative: pasta shells...
Malai kofta is a north Indian dish that consists of dumplings in a gravy. It can be eaten with Indian breads like puri, paratha, and naan, or with rice....