A refreshing and simple pineapple cocktail that's perfect for any occasion! It tastes like a mimosa or sweet white wine sangria. Try it with your favorite...
A 50/50 mix of hot water and dark rum, a little butter, and a sprinkle of brown sugar, all spiced with cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and a pinch of salt. It's...
Hibiscus is a beautiful flower that does so much for our health and it tastes great! This tea is a phenomenal summer tea and is excellent served iced....
I ordered this martini at a chain restaurant which we don't have in our area when I was visiting family out of town. I tried one, and fell in love with...
A thick and creamy milkshake that is so good it will make your taste buds go crazy! For a thinner milkshake, add more milk. For a thicker milkshake, use...
I created this recipe after experimenting with many different types of frozen-fruit smoothies. My husband and I no longer make it except when we're hosting...
This is a fabulous summer drink! Lavender soothes and refreshes on a hot day, and the scent brings back fond summer memories. I can't seem to make enough...
This recipe is a very rich, delicious drink for adults. Everyone loves it at parties! I usually make it for Christmas and Easter, but it is great all year-round!...
''Otai' is a fruit drink which originated in Tonga and is usually made as a summertime refreshment. It is a blend of water, coconut milk, and any variety...
It's vitamin C with a smile! This beverage is yummy any time of year! It's the perfect drink on a hot summer day, BBQ cookout, as well as Sunday football...
This recipe may sound a bit odd, but this is the best beer cocktail I have ever had. Very refreshing on a hot summer afternoon. Bet you can't drink just...
Grandmom's recipe for a fabulous summer citrus-mint tea using fresh mint. Kids and adults alike love it! You can add Kentucky bourbon when the guest list...
This is a recipe for homemade vegetable juice cocktail. You will need a pressure canner to do the whole batch, or scale it down to fewer servings, and...
We loved drinking a little coconut rum cream in our morning coffee on vacation in Jamaica, but could never find it when we returned home. After looking...