Hot crab dip is an old favorite, and our Maryland crab dip recipe brings together cheddar and OLD BAY® seasoning for big flavor in just 10 minutes. This...
Chipotle peppers in adobo are canned chipotle peppers in a smoky tomato sauce. Store leftovers in a resealable plastic bag in the freezer. In addition...
A dip for all occasions, like the little black dress, is excellent to have in your entertainment arsenal. Rich, creamy and advertising large chunks of...
Creamy, sweet and cinnamony, Peanut Butter Yogurt Dip is the hit of any party. Just mix four ingredients together - McCormick® roasted cinnamon, peanut...
This colorful salsa has a fresh flavor yet is so easy to make from items in your pantry. It has a moderate smoky heat from the chipotle chile pepper and...
Beer. Brats. Cheese. You'll be a game day hero when you combine all three in this Wisconsin-inspired dip. Creamy, warm and loaded with Cheddar cheese and...
Dilemma: You want a delicious game day dip but don't want to do a ton of work. Solution: Let the slow cooker do the heavy lifting! Mix ketchup, molasses...
When it's game day you don't want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen and yet you want to serve full-flavored party food. This is the chili dip recipe...
Love the taste of Buffalo chicken wings? Try it in dip form! Served warm with carrots and celery sticks, this dip is loaded with chopped chicken, three...
Authentic Thai flavor is just a can away with Thai Kitchen. Learn more about coconut milk and discover endless ways to use it into your favorite recipes...
Enjoy the game at home with a warm and comforting dip based on the New England favorite - Clam Chowder. Creamy, Cheddar-cheesy and loaded with smoky bacon...
Oregon has more breweries per capita than any other state. As a result, it's no surprise this Oregon-inspired dip includes beer in the recipe! Using your...
This delicious and festive looking dip gets a head start by using McCormick® Hollandaise Sauce Blend. It can be made ahead and reheated to avoid the last...
Show your pride for Tennessee flavor - and your team - with two of our favorite football foods: sausage and cheese. Transform these savory ingredients...
One taste of Maryland OLD BAY Crab Cake Dip and you'll be hooked. Loaded with a full pound of lump crabmeat, this creamy party dip gets its savory flavor...
This tropical salsa gets its heat from ají amarillo, a yellow chile from Peru. A bright accompaniment to tortilla chips, quesadillas, grilled meats and...
Celebrate the cowboy culture with big, bold taste. This chili dip is packed with hearty flavors that work double-duty on game day appetites, including...
An easy dip recipe you can whip up in just a few minutes. Simply stir in Zatarain's Creole Mustard, Creole Seasoning, sour cream, and chopped white onions...
That yummy goodness that's tucked into traditional cheese ravioli? That's exactly what this saucy, cheesy dip is, thanks to a mix of ricotta, white Cheddar...
Make-ahead recipes are ideal for today's busy schedules. You can make this cheese spread a few days in advance and the flavors are still at their peak......
Classic chickpea hummus - it's already great on its own. Add OLD Bay Seasoning and ... wow! It's amaaaaa-zing! (Emphasis on the "zing" thanks to OLD BAY's...