We love eating ethnic foods, especially Asian dishes. This chicken stir-fry is my family's favorite! The cashews add crunch and a sweet, nutty flavor,...
I appreciate the fact that this hearty pasta sauce is quick to assemble and cooks in just a few hours. My husband and I have our hands full raising two...
You can put this roast in the slow cooker and then forget about it, knowing it will be moist and tender when you get home after a day of work or Christmas...
We're trying to go meatless once a week, and this dish helps make those meals fun, quick and super delicious. It's a great way to use up beans and canned...
Our family loves seafood, so I've tried many fish cake recipes. I came up with this combination and it's been a hit at our house. It's outstanding served...
I call this meal "the easy chicken fixin'"...and love it that the leftovers are equally delicious heated up in the microwave. My husband, Tim, and I spend...
When I want soup at a restaurant, it's broccoli-cheese all the way. When I make it at home it's creamy cheesy, exactly how I like it. -Kristen Hills, Layton,...
I simmer my rich and creamy shrimp soup in the slow cooker. Because the chowder is ready in less than four hours, it can be prepared in the afternoon and...
Corned beef is a real treat in our family and we love the savory flavor the vegetables pick up from simmering in the pickling spices. -Joy Strasser, Mukwonago,...
Halved chicken is a perfect choice for winter grilling. Cooked over indirect heat, it virtually eliminates grill flare-ups. This version from Micheal Everidge...
Here's a traditional southern fried chicken recipe. My husband is a ham radio operator and we've shared this recipe with folks from all over the world....
My husband knows what's on the supper menu when our boys are driving home from Abilene Christian University in Texas. This apricot-glazed chicken entree...
My husband loves this beef chimichanga recipe! I often double the recipe and freeze the chimichangas individually to take out as needed. I serve them with...
The thick, tangy sauce makes this dish one of my favorite Asian chicken recipes. Serve the chicken over long grain rice or with ramen noodle slaw. -Dave...
My brother-in-law once made a sweet glaze for salmon. I lightened up a similar recipe. Grilling gives the salmon palate-pleasing taste and eye-appealing...
Convenient no-cook lasagna noodles take the work out of this traditional favorite adapted for the slow cooker. It's so easy to assemble for workdays or...
I've been making this lemony pasta for the family for years. It's both simple and indulgent enough to make it a go-to recipe. -Anne Miller, Glenfield,...
Everyone cleaned their plates when my mother made these succulent, tangy-sweet pork chops when I was growing up. Now I get the same results when I serve...
Garlic and basil flavor the tomato sauce that coats this tender Chicken Marinara. A friend gave me this skillet recipe several years ago. It's easy to...
I got this grilled huli huli chicken recipe from a friend while living in Hawaii. It sizzles with the flavors of brown sugar, ginger and soy sauce. Huli...
"My husband loves shrimp, so I'm always looking for different ways to fix it," explains Jackie Hannahs of Fountain, Michigan. "This easy recipe, nicely...
This creamy pasta dish looks and tastes like it's meant for festive occasions but only takes 20 minutes to make. As Cassie says, "People love this entree's...
Here's what you need: red bell pepper, yellow bell pepper, green bell pepper, yellow onion, boneless, skinless chicken breast, taco seasoning, garlic,...
"I came across the recipe for this glaze in a grilling manual but wasn't satisfied with it. I kept the combination of orange marmalade and lime juice and...
After I ate something like this at a local Italian restaurant, I figured out how to make it at home for my family. Now I serve it a lot since it's so quick...
Every spring, my family heads out to our timber acreage to collect morel mushrooms, and then we cook up this stew. We use morels, of course, but baby portobellos...
From Ponca City, Oklahoma, LaDonna Reed writes, "Our son-in-law is half Comanche and half Kiowa, and this recipe is similar to one he uses. I downsized...
My in-laws taught me a lot about cooking, so any time I come across a great new recipe, I enjoy making it for them. These bright, lemony chops quickly...
Chili powder and picante sauce add just the right dash to this hearty main dish. It's a snap to assemble since it uses convenience foods. -Teresa Peterson,...
My husband and I tried to duplicate the deep-dish pizza recipe from a popular restaurant, and I think our Chicago-style deep-dish pizza turned out even...
This cheesy casserole uses several of my family's favorite ingredients, including macaroni, kidney beans, tomatoes and cheese. Just add a leafy salad for...
The most casual cookout will seem elegant when it stars this delicate fish combined with seafood stuffing and a lemony sauce. Just add a salad and baguette....
These filling and flavorful vegetarian stuffed peppers are an updated version of my mom's stuffed peppers, which were a favorite when I was growing up...
Wasabi mayonnaise can be found in the Asian section of your local supermarket. Wasabi, an Asian plant similar to horseradish, has a fiery flavor. Add some...
For a budget-friendly option, I cut the small steaks off a good roast purchased on sale, then individually wrap and freeze them. Then I just take out as...
I like to change things up during the holidays with pork loin recipes that incorporate my favorite herbs and veggies. This showpiece dish really dazzles...
Almost everyone in my family requests these golden chicken fingers as their birthday dinner entree. I begin marinating the chicken strips early in the...