A friend of mine from college helped me make this dish, although I was looking for something more spicier, this turned out to be very tasty. He knew I...
Yummy South Indian lentils and vegetables, a favourite Indian breakfast dish with idli (rice dumplings) or dosai (Indian pancakes). This recipe is not...
We love this dish. It is fast and easy, too! My mom would usually serve it with a variety of condiments to go on top like coconut, pineapple, raisins,...
Not your typical soupy Thai curry. I "ad-libbed" this, just adding some red Thai curry paste to an otherwise typical stir-fry. It was hot, spicy and, for...
Spinach and chicken cooked together made a wonderful combination, the addition of the cream adds a touch of smoothness and luxury to the dish. Not too...
A make-ahead dish, which can be served to guests. The curry isn't overwhelming - it's in the sauce and adds flavour. A good dish for a hot day. Thanks...
This recipe actually came from the magazine, House Beautiful, but don't hold this against it. This makes a great alternative from your traditional chicken...
Vegetarian recipe from about.com. This is one of my husband's fav vegetarian recipes we have tried. He requests it all the time and even takes the leftovers...
A dish I created for the RSC #8. It has it all, and you just need to serve it with rice and fried plantains. I made it several times before posting it...
This is a staple food in South Africa as well as other parts. My amaXhosa friend, Ntombizanele Sokupa, gave this recipe to me. She eats this with Pap -Recipe...
This mild and flavourful dish comes from Julie Sahni's 1980 book, Classic Indian Cookery. She adapted it from a dish served at the Akbar India Restaurant...
If you are a curry lover, then this is a recipe that you will really like. The sauce can be made a day ahead and chilled, just rewarm on top of the stove,...
Dhal is an easy tasty dish to make. If this is the first time you have eaten Dhal you might like to serve it with another Indian dish. You can eat Dhal...
This favorite chicken curry recipe is usually prepared as a side with flavored rice like Tomato Pulao. Coconut milk and poppy seeds are essential in the...
This recipe comes from an Indian restaurant called Shamiana. They were gracious enough to give out the recipe! It's such a simple recipe but tastes great...
This is very good. Not very spicy, so you may want to adjust the curry to your liking. My stomach does not tolerate spicy things well, so you may want...
This is a fantastically flavoursome vegan-friendly thai green curry, which really pleases the palate. This dish serves 10 which makes it ideal for serving...
The easiest and most delicious dal makahni--true Punjabi style. I saw several recipes and was very surprised to see the use of cardamoms and cinnamon,...
This recipe came to me from my mom and I am sure she found it somewhere in a book or online. I have modified it a little bit because in my opinion 2 tsp...
My mother-in-law shared this with me (by way of deliciousliving.com), and it sure is a keeper. One of the tastiest ways I know to get your daily vitamins!...
My friend's mom comes to visit him each year from India and is a super cook. This is an amazing recipe which, once you have the ingredients in your spice...
Dahl is a staple in India, usually eaten with every meal. My family always eats Dahl when we make Indian food. This is a new recipe for Dahl made and demonstrated...
Posting this for ZWT 2006, this is a typical South African Curry. For those who dislike Coconut Milk in curries try this one; it is coconut milk free....
This recipe was somewhat inspired by Banriona's Recipe #408979, which I thought was a great Americanized twist on a classic Lebanese recipe. In the same...
This is an African (Mozambique) curry that can be done with chicken, shrimp, or crab. Goes well with tomato chutney and onion hot sauce. For shrimp or...
I made this as an experiment to have something different then BBQ sauce. It is very sticky with a nice spicy sweet taste. Serve it with some grilled sliced...
Picked up this recipe from WomansDay. The perfect mix of curry chicken and fresh vegetables made easy in your sow cooker. We made this and it tasted great...
This was found on allrecipes.com. The original recipe called for a whopping 7 teaspoons of salt! We cut that considerably when we made it, and it was delicious,...
I am trying to discover more diabetic friendly recipes with taste so I can get a better control of my condition. This one is from BH&G Australian Diabetic...
A wonderful mutton curry from India. Mughlai refers to the Mughal emperor period of rule in India(from Babar in 1526 to Aurangzeb in 1707). In those days,...
i love spicy food and dhals (lentil curry) and never seem to make the same one twice as i'm always making different versions, this i made last night and...