A light, crunchy, and savory snack cracker that has a bit of a kick. Easy recipe with minimal ingredients. Add 4 tablespoons sesame seeds to batter before...
Taralli are crunchy little knots of snacking goodness. A specialty from the Puglia region, they are an unleavened crispy cross between a bagel, pretzel,...
Making your own 'fancy' crackers at home is a fairly basic operation, and not only will they be less expensive than store-bought, but you can customize...
A wonderful seasoned oyster cracker recipe similar to others, but with different quantities and ingredients. So great as a snack or on salads. My kids...
These crackers have a great nutty flavor. The recipe was adapted for non-gluten, low-carb ketogenic, or paleo diets. Just add some homemade guacamole or...
This thin wheat cracker is simple and thrifty to make. It will taste great with almost any dip or spread, and they will have much more character than factory...
This is identical to the cracker bread sold at delis in large grocery stores that costs six dollars for three big rounds. You can make it for pennies!...
Often served with (and dipped in!) white wine, taralli are a fun and versatile Italian snack you can flavor all sorts of ways. This pepper and cheese variety...
I heard that if you mix flax seeds with an equal amount of water, soak them, and spread them thin, you'll get a tasty cracker. I heard right! These have...
Light and crisp whole wheat crackers you can easily make at home. Using a pasta machine to roll out dough helps to make an amazingly thin cracker worthy...
These savory cookies are so easy to prepare and call for just 3 ingredients. You can prepare the dough and then refrigerate until ready to bake. Serve...
These are the best ever. Spicy and cheesy crackers that will just melt in your mouth. Use more or less spice to suit your tastes. Cayenne pepper may be...
The reason I call these crispy 'everything' flatbread crackers is not only that they're inspired by the 'everything bagel,' but also because they're everything...
These gluten-free crackers make a delicious snack on their own or with dips and cheeses. You can add other seeds such as caraway, cumin, or nigella for...
These phyllo crackers have a delicate, flaky texture with a buttery flavor. Bagel seasoning can be found at most major retailers or you can make your own....
My husband just hasn't found a good cracker since going gluten-free, and he loved his butter crackers! I adapted this recipe from several different ones...
This is a recipe for Norwegian rye crisp or hardtack called 'knaakebrod,' very similar to the Finnish variety named 'nakkileipa.' These crackers can be...
These gluten-free crackers are made with garbanzo bean flour, sorghum flour, and rice bran. I needed to develop a cracker with ingredients I had on hand,...
This is a delicious and yummy cracker passed down from my Swedish grandmother. It is a great and economical alternative to store-bought crackers and processed...
Making your own artisan crackers is extremely easy, and so tasty that they're well worth the effort! Wrap them up in a clear bag tied with a pretty bow...
Different kind of cracker. Rye flour takes longer to cook then bleached all purpose and it has a little after taste. It mixes well with Cheddar cheese....
These buttery and flaky crackers have a delicate texture and are lightly flavored with truffle and Parmesan. They can be a little finicky to make at first,...
These crackers come together with less than 5 ingredients and are tasty as can be. You wouldn't know they're even cauliflower because they have so much...
Super easy recipe that everyone can enjoy including vegetarians, vegans, gluten-free, kids, and everyone else! The tapioca helps bind everything together...