Sweet, slightly fruity, and tropical this is a refreshing frozen adult beverage. It's a little on the strong side so add the lemon-lime soda topper to...
A refreshing twist on sangria. We loved the tart flavor hibiscus tea gives the cocktail. With the blueberry juice not being overly sweet, it's a great...
Once again the Denver Post came up with a tasty drink! This one in honor of Carole Lombard who acted in screwball comedies in the 30's. Unfortunately she...
This recipe is super easy... try to use a Swedish vodka which is slightly sweeter in taste then some of the other vodkas. It is so good after a long day...
Created by the New York bar expert Dale DeGroff, this is the ultimate wine cooler. It's refreshing and, contrary to what you might think, only lightly...
Here is a punch to mix with the more flavorful American gins, from a recipe provided to The Times by the drinks historian David Wondrich. His cocktails...
Said out loud, the rough recipe for Trinidadian rum punch hints at the rhythm of the Caribbean: One sour. Two sweet. Three strong. Four weak. A dash of...
This version of the Tuxedo cocktail first appeared in a cocktail book in 1900. Essentially a traditional martini that is lent sweet and herbal notes by...
One of the chef Edouardo Jordan's fond memories is making the punch for family celebrations; he'd add layers of fresh fruit and juices to Hawaiian Punch...
This take on the classic drink uses a combination of sweet and dry vermouths in the standard gin-vermouth-red bitter formula, adding depth and character....
Chocolate Mint Lovers Unite! This boozy Grasshopper Cocktail is a vintage after dinner ice cream drink that never goes out of style. Crème de Menthe and...
The Macuá cocktail is named for a Central American bird. This tropical fruity drink was created in 1996 in Managua, the capital of Nicaragua, as part...
Florida A&M, or FAMU, the historically Black college and university founded in 1887 in Tallahassee, canceled its homecoming celebrations for 2020 because...
I was a professional bartender many years ago and came up with this recipe quite by accident. A customer ordered Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum with Club...
This one is for adults only. Such a great gift-in-a-jar. You can make raspberry, boysenberry or blueberry cordial by replacing the berries with the ones...
Daniel Osborne, the bar manager at Abigail Hall in Portland, Ore., can satisfy orders for gin and vodka martinis and rye and bourbon manhattans in an instant....
Bourbon and honey is a southern classic. It was once considered a "women's drink". But in my opinion, it is just an awesome drink. I add thyme to my version...
How to Make Homemade Fruit Liqueur --- I've come up with a quick and easy technique that results in the most intense fresh fruity flavor, and it's ready...
Think of this drink as the darker, richer cousin to the classic hot toddy. Choose an amaro with citrus notes that is medium in body and bitterness, and...
From Gourmet December 1999 "We thought we would update the popular Cosmopolitan by substituting Champagne for the usual lemon vodka. We garnished the drinks...
The earliest known recipe for this bracing little number appears in the magnificently named 1935 cocktail book, "So Red the Nose, or - Breath in the Afternoon,"...
The true beauty of this homemade sour mix is having a fresh, versatile, and easy cocktail mixer for parties that's infinitely more delicious than store-bought...
And just what is in a michelada? In Mexico City, it consists of fresh lime juice, a trinity of Tabasco, Worcestershire and soy sauces, a pinch of black...
Concord grapes grow abundantly in New York state. So grape cocktails tend to be a summertime specialty at some bars, and this is one particular cocktail...
The Vampire Kiss cocktail is a robust, slightly sweet, and vodka-based cocktail that guarantees to make the perfect spooky Halloween cocktail. The blood-red...
With a subtle bourbon flavor, this yummy drink will appeal to a wide range of party guests. We think even people who say they don't like bourbon, will...
Add a touch of summer to a classic tipple with this delicious elderflower-infused gin. Great for a summer gathering, served with tonic water and lots of...
This is a very unusual drink in that it contains Amarula. Amarula is an extremely delicious and interesting liqueur made from marula fruit that grows on...
A lemon spritz is a classic Italian cocktail that is popular along the Amalfi Coast. It is similar to an Aperol Spritz, but is made with limoncello instead...
The Milwaukee, Wisconsin tavern, Bryant's Cocktail Lounge, lays claim to having invented the pink squirrel. There are disputes regarding the actual invention,...
weither you make raspberry, blueberry, or blackberry cordial, the raves will be over-welming. Now that I have a Mulberry tree I will be trying Mulberry...