The inspiration for this cocktail came from a girls night last week where we splurged on a few bottles of Champagne and, as per usual, everyone wanted...
Sweet and spicy, peppery vodka martinis. Serve as a savory before-dinner cocktail, or as a light alternative to a bloody mary at brunch. Amounts given...
Create the perfect Grapefruit Cooler with this step-by-step guide. Muddle grapes in a shaker. Add lemon juice, agave nectar, white wine, Absolut Grapefruit...
This Espresso Martini is a delicious pre- or post-dinner pick me up cocktail. An easy cocktail recipe, made with just 4-ingredients and shaken until deliciously...
Thai basil adds spicy, anise-like notes to a gimlet. Together with lime, elderflower liqueur, and good quality gin, the Thai basil gimlet is a cool twist...
Bloody mary made with frozen fresh tomatoes, blended with vodka, tomato juice and spices. This is a unique and refreshing breakfast (or anytime) drink!...
Create the perfect Blood Orange Cosmo with this step-by-step guide. Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a cocktail...
The bee's knees is a classic cocktail made with gin, lemon and honey! This recipe is strong, refreshing and delicious. Recipe yields 1 cocktail; you can...
The Bellini pairs sweet white peach puree with sweet Italian Prosecco for a bubbly fruit drink that is, yes, sweet. Here's how to make it-and a little...
Lime leaves pierce through the perfumy nature of Meyer lemons with a sharp punch, while bitter orange, fennel, and spices create earthy undertones for...
A refreshing twist on a classic, this cucumber gimlet recipe is easy to make and oh so satisfying. This gin-based cocktail is made with just a few simple...
The Salty Dog cocktail is perfect for summer celebrations and is a drink dieter's love. Mix the drinks individually or make a pitcher to share and serve...