This is my favorite paleo mug cake recipe that I altered. It's a quick dessert that satisfies any sugar or chocolate craving! Coffee can be used in place...
Don't let the mayo put you off - this is our family's favorite birthday and every other occasion cake, very moist and devilishly rich! This cake stores...
This cake is make without milk or eggs and is moist, dark and delicious. A brain child of the depression era when ingenious cooks developed a cake that...
I make this cake for my son for his birthday every year. You can use any kind of ground nuts, like walnuts, hazelnuts, or almonds, and decorate it with...
Poke cakes are super easy to make and with flavors this irresistible, this Holy Cow Poke Cake recipe will have you head over heels. Delicious ingredients...
What's not to love about warm chocolate cake spiked with chocolate, coconut, and chocolate chips and topped with melting vanilla bean ice cream? This literally...
This recipe is a big seller in my bakery. The most important thing is to use good quality chocolate - I suggest going to your local gourmet food shop and...
An incredibly moist, rich, triple layer chocolate cake with whipped cream filling and chocolate buttercream frosting. This was always a favorite in our...
Even the non-diabetics in my family will eat this... happily! Granular sucrolose is a heat stable sweetener that can be substituted for sugar in equal...
We thought this cake was awesome served straight from the slow cooker, topped with vanilla ice cream. Drizzle some chocolate syrup over the top for extra...
This is a chocolate roll that you will get many raves about. Keep this recipe handy because I am afraid you will be asked for it. This is a great cake...
Editor's Note: It's one thing to serve a full-size cake for dessert at your next dinner party, but serving guests this recipe for Little Chocolate Cakes...
This is my favorite paleo mug cake recipe that I altered. It's a quick dessert that satisfies any sugar or chocolate craving! Coffee can be used in place...
Wonderfully rich, chocolate cake with a twist. The crystallized ginger, chunks of bittersweet chocolate, and dried apricots mixed into the batter make...
This chocolate layer cake recipe is made with three layers of chocolate and soured cream sponge filled with a fluffy chocolate buttercream and coated in...