This fabulous appetizer was wonderful at our wine tasting group. Lightly toasted French baguette slices are spread with a diced prosciutto and Parmesan...
Not sure where this originated from, but I always get plenty of compliments when I make this easy and delicious appetizer! These can be frozen after being...
This simple and delicious appetizer was inspired by a favorite sandwich I occasionally make--baguette, butter, brie, pear, and pepper. Here we're using...
English muffins, cheese, olives and curry make this wonderfully satisfying appetizer. If you like, you may add some sliced almonds to the spread, or add...
These little appetizers are a great way to enjoy the flavors of blended meats and cheese on tasty rye bread slices. Great for the guys, Super Bowl® parties,...
Crackers are the foundation for this simple but irresistible mixture of tuna, pecans and pineapple delicately spiced with curry. I use this recipe when...
This super simple appetizer is sure to make a statement at your next gathering. The flavors meld so beautifully and the presentation on the platter is...
Shrimp served with a limoncello sauce over toasted baguettes. I have also doubled the recipe (all but the shrimp) and poured it over pasta or white rice...
Shrimp served with a limoncello sauce over toasted baguettes. I have also doubled the recipe (all but the shrimp) and poured it over pasta or white rice...
Crackers are the foundation for this simple but irresistible mixture of tuna, pecans and pineapple delicately spiced with curry. I use this recipe when...
Traditional Italian caprese salad on lightly-toasted bread. It makes a quick and easy supper for 4 or appetizers for 14. Fresh ingredients are key to this...
Toast topped with a delightful mayonnaise and cheese mixture, with a taste of lemon pepper! It's easy to do ahead, and delectable. The crab is entirely...
Toast topped with a delightful mayonnaise and cheese mixture, with a taste of lemon pepper! It's easy to do ahead, and delectable. The crab is entirely...
Toast topped with a delightful mayonnaise and cheese mixture, with a taste of lemon pepper! It's easy to do ahead, and delectable. The crab is entirely...
Toast topped with a delightful mayonnaise and cheese mixture, with a taste of lemon pepper! It's easy to do ahead, and delectable. The crab is entirely...
This is a wonderful way to liven up those summer squashes. Slices are grilled with a seasoned bread crumb coating and then served with a dollop of sauce...
Broiled oysters are elevated from southern backyard fare to upscale appetizers that still call for licking your fingers afterwards. You can use plain oysters...
When I saw avocado and ricotta cheese being combined on a menu recently, I was intrigued. Not enough to order it, but enough to buy the ingredients for...
These are a bit different in concept than your average tossed salad crouton. In this case I wanted something crispy and crunchy, with a nice nuttiness...
This is a wonderful way to liven up those summer squashes. Slices are grilled with a seasoned bread crumb coating and then served with a dollop of sauce...
If you're going to serve your pate or rillettes with toasted bread and mustard anyway, why not save a step and just make mustard-flavored crostini? That's...
If you're going to serve your pate or rillettes with toasted bread and mustard anyway, why not save a step and just make mustard-flavored crostini? That's...
These are a bit different in concept than your average tossed salad crouton. In this case I wanted something crispy and crunchy, with a nice nuttiness...