Salmon is probably my favourite fish & I'm always looking for new ways to prepare it. This recipe came from the Maple Restaurant in Halifax Nova Scotia...
This authentic French Canadian recipe is a classic belly warmer and perfect for a cold day. Split-pea soup with a ham bone, ham hock or salt pork. Make...
This recipe was from the Omni Parker Hotel in Boston. I believe it was published in our local newspaper. I've made it for several dinner parties and its...
I have made these garlic pickles for the last 8 years and friends love them. The original recipe was in "Company's Coming" but I have made a few changes...
We eat alot of salmon and when I find interesting recipes I want to keep track of them. This was a recipe that I picked up at a grocery store and it is...
Mustard lovers will adore this grainy, spicy and tangy spread. Smeared onto a roasting ham, served with pretzels or mixed into a vinaigrette, it's an indispensable...
We have put up this Pepper Jelly recipe many times each time is no fail. A beautiful jelly for crakers with cheese, chicken, fish or pork. Very easy to...
Chatelaine magizine says: "You've told us that a block of cheese and a package of bacon are staples in your kitchen pantry. Keep this easy toss in mind...
You can roast the beets in advance. This is a very popular potluck dish and a real time saver for dinner parties since you can prepare this beforehand....
To hold the pieces together instead of icing, this can be used. Do not do this part with the children as it is extremely hot. This is the way my mom does...
This is the recipe I use. It makes a small batch about 5 quarts. It is an east coast favourite (I am from New Brunswick, Canada) and is typically served...
"The Love of Baking"is where this recipe came from. Once I didn't have eggs and so I used Eggs Whites and then put the whole bag of chocolate chips in...
I usually double or triple this recipe to keep on hand in the freezer for quick easy meals. They take a bit of work, but it's worth it! This recipe is...
Just made this the other day when we had company down. the rub that's on there along with the smoke infused from the charcoal make this a great tasting...
Make sure that the ribs are at least 4 inches long and 1 inch thick. If boneless ribs are unavailable, substitute 7 pounds of bone-in beef short ribs at...
This is my own spin on my French-Canadian grandmother's pea soup. It's actually about the same, I just never use green split peas because I don't like...
Did these for supper tonight, quite a nice tang. The sauce is particularly good, with baked potatoes and steamed broccoli. Can easily be made less for...
My mother has been making this since I was a kid (About 10 years) We eat it on crackers. I Have to make alot for the kids. Its a nice snack item to keep...
My son prepared this wonderful dish for us and it was my first time to taste this method of griiling; what flavour! Planked salmon is a method of cooking...
Usually we just use spices, but sometimes we go all out and put veggies in the mix. Today is one of those days.... here's a recipe you can modify to your...
I recently came across this little goodie on the Homemakers Magazine website. A great weeknight recipe as it is ready in less than 15 minutes, but it is...
Wow, this has replaced my favourite Caesar Salad for popularity when people ask me to bring salad. It is really tasty. I have about 8 people to Sunday...
Now that I'm engaged to a Newfie, I have started learning the "old family recipes", as well as some new words... Anyhow, this is the dressing that Newfoundlanders...
Clamato is very popular in Canada. One of my hubby's favourite drinks is a Bloody Caesar (a Canadian version of a Bloody Mary, made with Clamato juice),...
I found this recipie in a magazine distributed by the local liquor store. It's a nice change for salmon fillets if you can afford to part with the quality...
You would never know that this recipe is from Cooking Light. It is so full of flavour. Serve as an appetizer with cocktail forks. For a main course add...
Since I'm broke this year, I've been looking for ideas for cheap, do-it-yourself Christmas gifts. I can't wait to make these pine cones for my friends...