I'm always working my recipes to keep my calories down. Mixing lean hamburger and adding ground turkey, that still keeps the flavor of the hamburger. Your...
This is great recipe that children love to make and eat!! I mentioned Sloppy Joe sauce in the recipe to make it easier. But i always make my own with Ketchup,...
A delicious sounding burger from the "Best of the Best Hawaii Cookbook", that I adapted for our taste. Posting for the world tour event for the Hawaii...
I love making turkey burgers and wanted to take this burger out of the box. Who doesn't love bacon, and combining it with caramelized onions and a good...
My family love these & it's a recipe my Mom used to make.She Got it from a Lady at church so I know it's been around 50 years. so yummy & good. Can make...
We love Italian cooking and, of course burgers of all kinds, so I decided to combine the two and make an Italian burger. I use ground turkey, which I use...
This is my all time favorite burger. I just love mushrooms, so I double the amount of mushrooms and eat them a long side the burger...lol! If you want...
These Burgers are so good and moist! They are topped with the same things that go on a Reuben Sandwich.... but to me... the thing that really makes this...
We have been on a blue cheese kick lately, so thought I would stuff a burger with it. Being such a strong cheese, I added jack cheese too so it would be...
This is a hero item and a regular in my family. The herbs and extra's make these patties a great addition to your burger. I make 2 kilos (4 pounds) worth...
Sometimes it's just not convenient to fire up a grill, whether you're out of propane or charcoal, it's pouring down rain, or whatever reason. That's OK:...
This is a easy way to make Frikadellen. You can make them on the grill as well. I always experiment with additional spices and ingredients,such as a pinch...
My son goes through a kick where he wants Hamburger Helper. I have a very hard time buying it. It just doesnt seem right to me. So, I did some research...
I was at a family gathering a few weeks ago and a friends sister was teasing him for eating peanut butter sandwiches with bacon. I promised my friend,...
I put this recipe in my church cookbook. Everyone loved it and said it was "A MUST" for our cookbook! That made me feel GREAT! Please Note: Garnish with...
I got this recipe from a Pillsbury cookbook (on that you get at the checkout counter) anyway, I got this recipe years agoand made it for my kids and they...
My husband loves this hamburger steak. It was his idea for me to post it. He is totally biased, and he thinks it is the best thing since sliced bread....
I love creating new burgers for my family to enjoy, and we love anything Asian, and anything chicken, so this is my newest creation. The sauce was so good...
Kiwi refers to New Zealand origins not to the bird or fruit. Standard North island style burger. Hamburger here means a hot "takeaways" style complete...
Just plain and simply the delicious classic version of an old timey cheeseburger. It will bring back long ago memories of food at the local drive-in where...
When I was last visiting my Grandsons in Florida one was requesting meatloaf while the other wanted burgers. I decided to combine the two requests and...
On a recent trip to the Caribbean, I fell in love with the sweet and spicy flavors typical of their cooking. I ate a similar burger with fresh papaya at...
This is a tribute to Bahn Mi sandwiches I enjoyed on a visit to Saigon while working on a book about Asian cuisine. The chef let me watch her make it,...
When my brother and I were small Mom and Dad would take us to the fair every year. There was one hamburger stand that we never missed. The hamburgers were...
Growing up one of my favorite sandwiches was one my Grandmother made which was a grilled cheese and meatloaf sandwich. That's what gave me this idea for...
What a wonderful twist on regular burgers. You can really taste the applesauce and the chipotle in these burgers. I loved the mix of flavors in this recipe....
This is super fast and absolutely delicious meat free burger! Mushrooms and cheddar are the star of this burger! I will also be posting a recipe using...
We fell in love with this delicious cheeseburger casserole and think your family will too. It tastes just like a cheeseburger sloppy joe but without the...
This truly is one of those recipes that vegetarians and meat-eaters alike will enjoy. These patties are chock full of flavor and have a very pleasant consistency....