One of my favorite appetizers is jalapeno stuffed with cream cheese and bacon, with an avocado lime aioli and fresh cilantro to make any Mexican spice...
I love these burgers. The swiss cheese and pineapple mixed with crumbled bacon is good enough to eat alone...BUT stuffed in a burger patty and grilled...OH...
I had a dinner for some friends Friday, fresh pinto beans, spanish rice. Had some left over of each, so I decided to make a veggie burger from them. WOW!!!...
Growing up eating Southern style peanut butter and mayo sandwiches... and eating lots of burgers.... This is the best of both worlds!!! It sounds like...
these are a favorite at our house and works perfect for a weekend meal! I like putting mayo on my burgers....but the recipe doesnt call for it. My husband...
My son just loves when I make this. His favorite thing to eat is is easy, and made with refrigerated bread dough...It is a very tasty...
No special story. Started out with plain, browned hamburger meat, drained, added a can of Campbell Cheddar Cheese Soup. Ate cheeseburger soup at friends...
A Greek inspired turkey burger that can be grilled or pan-fried. Tzatziki Sauce brings a lot to this recipe, have provided one below if you do not have...
Fun fact: White button mushrooms were originally brown in color, until a natural mutation occurred in the 1920's in Pennsylvania. Farmers took advantage...
This was originally from the Saveur mag's, burger issue Sept 2009, We just love this one too. One thing my Southern sisters taught me is pimentos and cheese...
When my kids were little they would ask for "that hamburger thing you make" and I knew this was what they wanted. Imagine kids actually wanting to eat...
These take a little effort to put together but they are worth the trouble. I am planning on trying my bread machine for the dough next time I make these....
Every time I make these people love them! They are good on the grill or a grill pan indoors. I like to make them in the summer during lunch breaks, for...
These ground beef patties are served with mashed potatoes. Serve sauce as gravy. Chopped onion and green bell pepper can be found in the freezer section...
The name and recipe came from my journey in the military. I wanted to incorporate flavors that are amazing and everyone in my family loves by using different...
So simple to make if you like Mexican food you will like this burger. Especially with the guacamole on top of the burger with the melted cheese. Try one...
Healthy. Filling. Greeky. All good things. Hungry for more? Visit my blog,, for more recipes, daily humor and a ridiculously cute...
Give your burger the flavor and taste of a great steak with A.1. Original Steak Sauce. Serve the juicy burgers on kaiser rolls with lettuce, tomato and...
These burgers combine beef and sausage with all the fixin's right inside! They're made for grilling outside, but could easily be done on an indoor grill,...
Does anyone elses kids not care for cheeseburgers? My oldest daughter doesn't really like them, while I love them!! These are like sloppy joes, just as...
This is a great alternative to a cheeseburger and fries. It is also good made with ground turkey, or even chicken. I have made it using each of these and...
This Burger was an experiment of mine, that my family and friends have given rave reviews...The addition of the crushed corn chips really sets it off with...