Got this recipe from someone else but made some changes to it, to make it not taste gluten-free. My family loves bread and my husband is always looking...
I was trying to find something to cook when I found this recipe in the back of my mom's recipe box. I loved it and so did my mom! The nuts are optional....
Everyone knows just how much I love baking, especially in the fall and winter. To me, nothing says autumn quite like pumpkins. So my pumpkin bread, muffins,...
This is just a really good and hearty banana bread. If you're not a nut person just omit them, you can also add a few raisins if you'd like. I like it...
This is a version of the bread that is made for the November 2 celebration known as the Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) in Mexico. You can also mold...
A bit unusual but good all the same. You may substitute plumped raisins for the figs if you like. You may also use Splenda®. To prevent crumbling, use...
Banana bread without the guilt... This bread is hard to beat because it is very flavorful and full of the good stuff. No white flour, only wheat, flaxseed...
This recipe is from my mother-in-law and it's the only way to get my husband to eat bananas and my kids to eat zucchini. I make them into muffins because...
Cloud bread is soft and fluffy - like a cloud! It's a great substitute for 'regular' bread and is low in carbs. Although it's not firm enough to replace...
This is an old recipe that belonged to my mother. I've been making this bread since I was a teenager. At a candy striper bake sale a doctor bought this...
A recipe for delicate English muffin bread that's baked in your microwave! You might also try adding about 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1/2 cup of raisins...
This is a recipe from my great-grandma with simple ingredients. This bread is moist, healthy, and delicious. You can easily cut back on the sugar and switch...
Sweet and salty monkey bread with a delicious twist - bacon! This recipe was created from two existing recipes, with the idea courtesy of the St. Louis...
This is not the dark bread you see in every restaurant in Dublin or Galway these days but I promise, it's authentic Irish Soda Bread, exactly how my late...
I got this recipe from one of my aunts, who got it from an old woman she met in Hawaii while stationed there. It is hands-down the very best banana bread...