Consider this your new, go-to waffle recipe when you want to start your day off on a sweet note. No fussy steps or unexpected ingredients are required...
Fresh hot biscuits slathered with butter, topped with a spoonful of jam, and served alongside fluffy scrambled eggs and a salty pork product are the epitome...
This versatile dish goes from brunch buffet to dinner table in a snap and is great with a leafy green salad. The flaky crust and custard filling make it...
See our step-by-step guide to making popovers, and try all of our popover variations: Gruyere-Thyme Popovers, Dark Chocolate Popovers, Chive Popovers,...
This homemade pizza crust comes together quickly-give the dough time to rise and a couple of kneads, and it's done! Use it as a base for your favorite...
Whip up this three-ingredient healthy smoothie recipe with just three ingredients-nonfat plain yogurt, banana, and frozen blueberries. Feel free to substitute...
The batter for this easy-to-make banana bread is enriched with sour cream, which gives it a subtle tang and super moist texture. In order to avoid this...
This is a great way to make jam because it's simple, lower in sugar, and lets the flavor of ripe fruit shine. Our method makes it a cinch to save the last...
Assembling pork sausages is a snap and, as always, if you use best-quality ingredients, it's hard to beat homemade.From the book "Mad Hungry," by Lucinda...
This spring brunch dish is made richer with Gruyere, an aged Swiss cheese with a nutty flavor that tastes great with eggs. Meanwhile asparagus adds a springtime...
These warm, buttery rolls only take a little hands-on prep (the yeast does all the work), kids love to help shape them, and they fill the house with a...
This is the most basic recipe for a slightly thick pancake. It's just as easy to make a quick homemade batter as it is to open a box mix, which needs ingredients...
This delicious recipe is courtesy of Mary Bodor. Note: Do not use metal cooking utensils, bowls, or baking pans with this recipe, since they will interfere...
We used cranberries instead of currants in these traditional, crumbly British scones for an irresistible winter treat. Try them for breakfast or with afternoon...
Begin with our basic batter and add your choice of mix-ins from our list of variations below to make blueberry, chocolate chip, bran-raisin, cherry-pecan,...
While cake donuts are traditionally fried, they're just as delicious baked in the oven, with far less cleanup. Toss in powdered sugar or finish with a...
This Blueberry-Lemon Bundt Cake is the perfect addition to any brunch. For best results, coat the inside of the Bundt pan with cooking spray just before...
Everyone needs a delicious coffee cake recipe in their repertoire, and this cinnamon streusel coffee cake recipe is the perfect option. Meaning "something...
Blueberry muffins are a breakfast staple in most homes. This recipe from "Martha's Entertaining" features two options to finish: make a crumb topping,...
With a little advance preparation, the components for this tasty Chicken Caesar Salad can be stored in the fridge and then assembled and served within...
By adding cheese (such as Parmesan), sugar, or spices to the batter, popovers can be suited to any occasion. For ease of use, a popover pan with a nonstick...
The next time your crew craves pancakes, serve something new and exciting: a Dutch baby. This baked pancake requires whirring a few basic ingredients in...
To determine whether or not the jelly is done cooking, use a candy thermometer and the "sheeting method," described below. Don't use overripe fruit for...
This versatile dish goes from brunch buffet to dinner table in a snap and is great with a leafy green salad. The flaky crust and custard filling make it...
A cup of quick-cooking oats makes these moist muffins even more substantial. A touch of spicy cinnamon in the batter pairs nicely with the sweet, juicy...
To determine whether or not the jelly is done cooking, use a candy thermometer and the "sheeting method," described below. Don't use overripe fruit for...
Here's how to bake banana nut bread in quick and easy individual portions. Stash some in the freezer so you always have breakfasts and snacks ready to...
Poaching is a simple way to transform the humble egg into a luxurious treat. Once you get this technique down pat, you can enjoy poached eggs for an easy...