The marinade for this chicken is true to the authentic Thai grilled chicken (Gai Yang). Traditional Gai Yang is served with a dipping sauce but I find...
Recipe video above. Using a marinade infuses the beef with flavour as well as tenderising so you'll have juicy steak pieces even if you opt for a more...
These tender, boneless country-style pork ribs are cooked low and slow for over 2 hours then slathered in your favorite BBQ sauce! Perfect for dinner,...
Try something new with Glazed Pineapple Chops from My Food and Family. Sweet. Spicy. Smoky. Grilled. Like what you hear? Add juicy and tender, and these...
Tender, succulent and juicy pulled pork made to perfection in your slow cooker. Made with a simple dry rub and slow cooked in a savory mix to create the...
Does it get any better than BBQ chicken cooked slowly on the grill and slathered with your favorite barbecue sauce? Here's the best recipe for grilling...
Recipe video above. This is a homemade version of the giant punching bag size Doner kebab meats rotating on vertical rotisseries in kebab shops! It might...
Beef Fajitas made extra juicy and extra tasty with a wicked marinade that tenderises and flavours the beef! But if you don't have time to marinade, see...
These juicy Baked Beef Back Ribs are slathered with a flavorful rib seasoning and sticky BBQ sauce before cooking up to perfection! They are quite simply...
Recipe video above. A Veggie Burger created by a carnivore, for carnivores. It is not a vegetarian burger pretending to be a meat burger, packed with obscure...
Turn your packaged corn muffin mix into a savory cornbread tonight. Just add in a sweet Vidalia onion, sharp cheddar, sour cream and dill. You'll never...
Miso and eggplant is a gorgeous combination of flavours. If you've never tried it before, you're in for a treat. The traditional Japanese way of making...
Baked beans with ground beef and bacon are a satisfying side dish for BBQ dinners and cookouts! Baked beans are made sweet with brown sugar. They are made...
Jalapeño and cheddar stuffed cheeseburgers are the ultimate treat for lunch or dinner this grilling season. A juicy and delicious stuffed beef burger...
If you love a crunchy, flavorful salad, this is the perfect recipe. This easy salad uses ramen noodles, bok choy and sesame seeds for big crunch. Toss...
For a BBQ, potluck or picnic, you can't beat Paula Deen's Baked Bean recipe. This classic side that starts with a bacon. Brown sugar and green chilies...
A Moroccan lamb marinade brings so much flavour to this BBQ boneless leg of lamb! Using butterflied lamb speeds up grilling time and the boneless meat...
Georgia-style brunswick stew is made with chicken, onion, crushed tomatoes and creamed corn. Liquid smoke and Paula Deen Hot Sauce give this easy stew...
Flanken Short Ribs- Asado style beef ribs is a tasty way to enjoy your short ribs this summer. Cut cross the bone and grilled to perfection. The best beef...
These Korean Chicken Thighs are so easy to make on the grill or on a grill pan. These thighs come together with only a few ingredients and are packed with...
These perfectly flavorful Smoked Beef Back Ribs are smoked low-and-slow until they reach the best ever juicy, tender, melt in your mouth texture! Follow...
Jalapeño Lime Marinated Steak is juicy and full of delicious flavors. One bite and it will send you back to grilling on warm summer days. By Mama Maggie's...