Rolled, corn tortillas with chicken, baked until crisp. Serve as an appetizer or side dish with salsa or serve as main course topping with lettuce, tomato,...
After a number of unsatisfactory attempts at making deep-fried poppers, I modified a recipe by Emeril that is much easier than frying and everyone in our...
Cheesy sausage-based filling in little cups made from baked won ton wrappers. The baked cups and filling may be prepared a day or two in advance (store...
This snack mix is so addictive, it's known as 'Christmas Crack' among my circle of friends and family! You can choose a holiday mix of M&M's® to make...
Extra chewy granola bars. You can make them your own by picking different ingredients to add in! Try using any combination of miniature chocolate chips,...
Take this delicious, 5-minute prep, jalapeno cheese dip to BBQs, cookouts, parties, or any other occasion. This dish will make you the most popular person...
This is a great recipe for people who would like to try something different for Thanksgiving. It makes a delicious side to any kind of turkey dish, and...
This is a recipe for my Grandmother's famous salmon cakes. It is a family recipe that has been passed down through generations. Serve with macaroni and...
These wings are always a hit! I grill them up before a party and keep them hot in a low oven. I always use Frank's RedHot® sauce. It's got lots of flavor...
Scallion pancakes are a popular dish in China, and available from restaurants and street vendors. There are many different regional variations. My version...
This has all the flavor and heartiness of a great samosa without the frying. Although this is an easier, healthier version of the fried samosa, it tastes...
My ex-mother-in-law lives in the South and has lots of pecan trees. She sends me bags of shelled pecans every year for Christmas. I found out how they...
This flaming cheese ritual was started by restaurateurs in Chicago, who encouraged customers to yell, 'Opa!' as the plate was being ignited. You can recreate...
I've had this recipe for a long time. It's great for parties and football get-togethers. With just three ingredients, it's very easy to prepare. Serve...
Store-bought marinated artichokes are too expensive and are consumed faster than the time it takes to open the jar. I created this recipe with simple ingredients...
These tender escargots in mushroom caps are smothered with wine sauce and cheese. Nothing big and fancy, but I liked how it turned out, so I thought I'd...
These crunchy, crispy crackers have a big, bold cheese flavor. They're vastly superior to anything you can get at the store. You can change up the cheeses...
This is a HUGE hit at all of my parties!!! With kids, as well as adults...and it is very easy to make!!! Serve this flavorful dip with tortilla chips....
Not only is this a fabulous dip for vegetables and breads and things like that, it's also served as a side dish for things like fried fish and grilled...
This is a layered antipasto, so you can cut it in square slices neatly and have all the ingredients. This is a beautiful dish that's always a hit! It will...
This is Authentic Mexican Ceviche, I've had it several times in Mexico, and also have learned to cook Mexican food for my husband. Every time I make this...
This is a super-easy way to cook these vegetables if you've never tried them before and by far my favorite. Jerusalem artichokes, or sunchokes, are starchy...