If you have a food processor, you can make sausage from scratch. Adding pork fat to the meat gives these bite-size sausage patties a tender texture. Call...
These pull-apart sandwiches combine two of the most crave-worthy foods: chicken parmesan and garlic bread. The bread slices are slathered with an assertive...
The French term amuse bouche (which means "amuse the mouth") describes tiny appetizers that are served with drinks to awaken the palate. One such complimentary...
Naturally sweet, fresh figs get an all-over taste treatment with tangy goat cheese, smoky pancetta, slightly bitter fruit liqueur, and heat from black...
This creamy Hot Corn Dip is full of crispy bacon bits, spicy pickled jalapeños and three kinds of cheese. With crackers, chips or bread by its side, it'll...
Authentic kebabs are delicious, full of nuts, spices, herbs and fruit, as anyone who's tasted proper Middle Eastern cooking knows. In this recipe I'm using...
Corn Fritters are the best combination of savory tastes that are cooked to golden brown perfection! Crispy on the outside with a soft and tender inside,...