This sweet and sour red cabbage makes an easy side dish for any German meal. Just four ingredients and ready in 30 minutes! Great with sausages or pork...
Need a cozy one-pot meal? Try New England boiled dinner with corned or fresh beef brisket, cabbage, carrots, and potatoes. Also great in the slow cooker!...
Everyone needs a recipe for classic ground beef chili. Make this one your go-to! Featuring corn, peppers, tomatoes, and beans, it makes enough to freeze...
Italian pot roast! Rump or chuck beef roast, first browned in olive oil, then slow cooked in a sofritto base of carrots, celery, and onion, with Italian...
This EASY bean soup is the answer to the "What's for dinner?" dilemma. You probably have most of the ingredients in your pantry already, and turning...
This simple and delicious poached salmon is on your plate in only 15 minutes. Deceptively fancy, it's the perfect option for solo dining or when you're...
Classic Tex Mex fajitas recipe, made with strips of skirt steak, onions and bell peppers, and served sizzling hot with fresh tortillas, guacamole, sour...
Pork chops cooked low and slow become so tender and juicy-and so do the cabbage and apples that cook with them. Serve with a cold beer and imagine yourself...
This chicken with creamy dijon mustard sauce is an easy and fast weeknight meal. The chicken cutlets and sauce are all cooked in the same skillet, making...
Sheet pan chicken with roasted potatoes and broccoli! Everything cooks together on one baking sheet - so easy. Use chicken thighs for tender, juicy results...
Slip your spoon into this curry-scented chicken mulligatawny soup and prepare for a taste explosion. It's so EASY to make and is the ultimate one-bowl...
You'll fall for our vegan mushroom barley soup! Soy sauce, balsamic, a mix of dried and fresh mushrooms, and spinach lend a modern take to this classic...
Make this easy yet impressive one-dish recipe of chicken thighs with potatoes for a satisfying dinner. An herb vinaigrette and shallots add a burst of...
Basque-Style Chicken simmered in an easy sauce with roasted chili peppers, ham, tomatoes, garlic, and olives. Makes a warming, hearty dinner on a chilly...
This easy chicken piccata recipe is ready in under 30 minutes! Chicken breast cutlets are dredged in flour, browned, and served with a sauce of butter,...
A dish of many names - pasta e fagioli, pasta fagioli, or pasta fazool - this classic Italian soup of beans and short pasta with tomatoes and vegetables...
Minestrone soup is an Italian favorite! This version is made with cannellini beans, chicken stock, cabbage, potato, zucchini, carrots, plum tomatoes, and...
This flank steak recipe is a family favorite. Learn how to cook flank steak by tenderizing with tiny cuts, then pan-frying in butter on the stove. No marinating...
Made with chunks of pumpkin, ground pork, black beans, a bottle of beer, and plenty of spices, this hearty pumpkin chili recipe is ready in under an hour....
Cincinnati Chili is a meaty, rich, and uniquely spiced chili from (you guessed it!) Cincinnati, Ohio. Serve our authentic Cincinnati chili recipe over...
Classic Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy! It's ready in under an hour and cooks all in one skillet. Just like mom used to make. Serve with buttered...
Pressure Cooker Turkey with Dijon Gravy! Make with turkey legs or thighs, or bone-in half-breasts. Ready in about an hour. Works well for a family dinner...
Easy weeknight mushroom risotto that's special enough for occasions, too! The Instant Pot makes it fast, and fail-safe. Plus we have a hack that lets you...
Tater Tots plus eggs plus sausage equals a one-skillet breakfast casserole you can eat all week long. Call it a hot dish or call it a Tater Tot casserole,...