Cape Malays were the first to braise lobster in spices, which resulted in this delicious curry, for which many variations exist. Earlier writers specify...
This recipe requires a little extra prep time and an overnight marinade, essential in developing those rich, full-bodied curry flavors that we love so...
Yes, you'll need a lot of spices, but it's not much work from there. Let the chicken marinate for 12 hours to get the most impact. This recipe is from...
Because cauliflower steaks are held together by the piece of stem at the base of each head, you can really only cut two thick steaks per cauliflower. Save...
Keeping the garlic whole and removing once it has added enough flavor will keep the flavor more mild, but if you want more of a punch, grate it before...
These crispy zucchini fritters take inspiration from the Bengali onion snack piyaju. Soaked and blended red lentils make up the batter, which is spiked...
The longer you marinate the chicken and potatoes, the more intense the flavor. But we have found that even after only 30 minutes of marinating, the dish...
Come springtime, sugar snap peas are so tender and fresh it's almost a shame to cook them. We prefer slicing them thinly and eating them raw with a simple...
The more particular you are when building the layers in the loaf pan, the more neat and tidy this will look when sliced. But if it's a little uneven and...
Just the right mix of crisp, creamy, and barely sweet, this frozen treat is exactly what we want to snack on all summer long. Make it with pistachios and...
This dish borrows the flavors of shish barak-lamb and pine nut dumplings form the Levant-and spins them in a pasta direction. No dill? Chives and parsley...
Here, eggplant gets halved lengthwise, drenched in olive oil, and roasted at a very high temperature. It never quite crisps, but it browns and caramelizes...