Great recipe loaded with flavour. I made this on my Griddler and it turned out amazing! This recipe works for cod, monkfish. scallops,etc.your choice.Also...
Ready, Set, Cook! Reynolds Wrap Contest Entry. I love this recipe because it highlights all of the ingredients present. It also uses a summer seasonal...
This is a no-fail recipe for MILD, white, flaky, not greasy, and delicious fish for either sandwiches or as a main entree on a plate. The trick is to get...
After thinking and thinking about what to do with Tilapia filets I decided I was going to use the "same" recipe G-Pa used for his empanadas. I twisted...
A simple and quick way to prepare the very affordable and versatile tilapia. Recipe could also be used for any mild-flavored firm-fleshed white fish fillets,...
Flavorful recipe for this farm-raised fish that is easy and done in minutes! The fish is broiled with a creamy cheese coating for an impressive flavor...
My husband came up with this creation for Easter dinner, as Tilapia is indigenous to the sea of Galilee. It remains the best fish I have ever put in my...
My husband loves this zesty Southwestern-style fish. You can make it with any of firm whitefish--like cod or halibut--if tilapia isn't available. You can...
Tilapia, which is a farm raised fish, can make even the non fish lover take notice. Great sweet taste and no fishy smell! Best of all it's on your table...
Crispy! Serve with tartar sauce. You can cut into small pieces before breading so the kids can eat like nuggets. You can also deep fry! Stays crispy for...
This is a good one for those of us who love lime, since that is the predominant flavor here. Use cod, flounder, or any firm white fish for this. I used...