This is a great tasting and easy stew using bison meat. Bison is lower in fat, calories, and cholesterol than most other meats. It's great for a heart-healthy...
This is an extremely versatile recipe that I came up with when I had to use a leftover roast beef. I slow-cooked it in a tasty tomato sauce. You may even...
Great spicy, exotic chicken dish. I created this mashup of several recipes to inaugurate my new tagine, but I think any skillet, loosely covered, should...
This is a hearty beef stew using beer and beef broth as its base. It's very yummy and I've never had any complaints about it. If you use older potatoes...
This beef and noodles recipe is a comforting mix of stewed beef and mushrooms with egg noodles cooked right in the broth for the coziest, most satisfying...
Start this hearty stew the night before. The longer it cooks, the better it is! Tender stew meat with lots of mixed veggies! You'll have a great dinner...
Brodetto, a fish stew with a tomato base, is a specialty of the Marche region of Italy. There are several recipes for brodetto, even within the Marche....
Not your traditional soup: the Mexican name of this recipe literally translates as "dry soup" so there is no liquid. Fideo noodles are fried, then stirred...
Try this quick, easy, and incredibly tender chicken stew cooked with diced tomatoes. I added kale for extra green power! Serve over cauli rice for a complete...
Inspired by my mother-in-law, this is a warm, sweet, fall favorite! I make this for my husband and I, so half saved for another meal. We've found that...
Gumbo has a history of being made with roux, but my Mom's recipe didn't have it. Now it is my most requested item at work, tailgating parties, and at home....
I have been making this stew for more than 20 years. It's a dish I use to celebrate the harvest season. It may be a bit labor-intensive, but it is worth...
It's a delicious blend of tender beef and vegetables, with just the right amount of thick, flavorful broth to tie everything together. Add a loaf of crusty...
This slow cooker recipe is a favorite of ours. It's great for football Sunday, New Year's Day, or anytime. It's filling, simple, and fantastic! This hearty...
My dad from Nanaimo, British Columbia, sent me this northwest favorite. Hi Dad! This recipe goes very well with a chilled bottle of your favorite white...
Hearty, grass-fed oxtail in a rich, savory red wine base with root vegetables... The perfect antidote to a winter blizzard. Worth the effort; oxtail is...
Chicken thighs produce the tastiest shredded/chopped chicken to use in recipes like this. A perfect version of a good ol' comfort food recipe. Goes well...
This is not your typical Southern gumbo. The inspiration comes from somewhere else. There are different variations of the same kind of food all over the...
The smokiness from the paprika, roasted peppers, and tomatoes takes the place of andouille sausage in this vegetarian gumbo. With a lot of spice and flavor,...
Did you plan on making stew for dinner but forgot to take the meat out of the freezer? This happens to me all the time, so I developed this recipe using...
A tomato and vegetable pork stew that is sure to please any crowd! It is a long cooking process, good for a day when you are staying at/working at home,...
This is a classic example of the robust flavors of Hatch green chile peppers that have been mellowed by the richness of pork, potatoes, and sweet corn....
This recipe is fast and easy. I usually put this in a slow cooker, but you can put it in a small roaster and let it cook on low after it is simmering....
This is my adaptation of Dal Makhani. This is a slightly sweet and savory version compared to the tomato-based versions out there - it reminds me more...
Delicious shrimp dish with a Cajun flair! I've spent 6 years perfecting this shrimp recipe. I use shrimp harvested from a local shrimp farm. This is also...
My mom has been making the stew for many years and it is by far the BEST stew I have ever tasted. It is hearty, filling, and inexpensive not to mention...
My old roommate, who was Latino, gave me this recipe about 8 years ago. Recently I was cleaning out a cookbook and found the recipe tucked away. This is...
This Creole rice dish is a quick, lower fat version of an old favorite. I've had this recipe for many years, but have modified it for my family's tastes....